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The issue of Internet cafe

来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05
【网学提醒】:本文主要为网上学习者提供The issue of Internet cafe,希望对需要The issue of Internet cafe网友有所帮助,学习一下吧!

资料包括: 论文(11页5275字) 
Since the first Internet cafe appeared in London, more and more people get to know this new matter. Besides the convenience to surf on the net in order to search for information needed and the enjoyment accompanying the mass media, Internet cafe also brings some social problems. The youth group is affected most profoundly, which cause much attention from both their parents and the whole community as well. In China, Internet cafe has become a hot issue nowadays with regard to its regulation and function, as well as what kind of role it should play during the growth process of the young. But completely cracking down all Internet cafes is not a sensible way to deal with this matter. We should analyze from different aspects, including the intention of owners of Internet cafes, our educational system, the parents and children themselves. Steady measures should be taken to ensure that Internet cafe do not serve as only a place to play computer games. Certain standard should be established to make sure the environment do no harm to people who consume there and exert its virtue to the most extent.
1. Abstract
2. Content:
Part 1 general condition of the issue
Prosperity of internet café in China
Some opinion on this
Internet café on the young people
Part 2 how to solve this problem
Cracking down all the internet café
Analyze the reason
Owners of Internet cafe
The young people themselves
Some successful examples
3. Conclusion

Everything has two aspects; the Internet café is no exception. Faced with the Internet café issue, we should not crack down all of them with one blow. Instead we should analyze the reason from aspects of owners of Internet café, school, parents, and the young themselves. With the cooperation of all walks of the society and learning from some of the successful examples, we are sure to solve this problem appropriately.
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