中文字数:5345,中文页数:8 英文字数:3140页数:10
从1974年起至1978年,我国从英国和联邦德国等国分两批引进143套综采成套设备,加上补差贸易引进的国外综采成套设备至今已有181套。这些液压支架在我国总采技术和设备研制过程中起了促进的作用。 在引进总采设备的同时,我国仿中有创的研制了掩护型支架,目前QY型掩护支架和ZY型支撑掩护式支架正在形成具有我国特点的支架系列。
From 1964 China started to develop hydraulic support, the deadline in 1973 and has worked for the Kailuan, Fu Yang, Tatung, Xuzhou, Huaibei, Tatun, Benxi, Tongchuan, Hebi, in Beijing and other cities for a series of prototypes and the entire face of experiments and observations. Coal based on the occurrence, Datong mine currently has TZ - I-Crib shift from the stent to TZ-VI-Crib shift from the self-shifting stent; Yangquan Coal Mine will not only BZZ - Crib since shifting supports the development of the A-type C, and developed a shield and cover for supporting self-shifting stent. Kailuan in Yima and test the shield, in Huaibei and Tatun tested shield support was gratifying results.