关键词 我国“慰安妇” 民间战争赔偿 政府战争赔偿 抗辩理由
From International law "comfort women" to the Japanese government requested the issue of compensation
Complicated international background got along by the legal action the main body of a book is paid for to analysing our country "comfort women " to Japan government request war is a premise.Reveal discomposed in making peopel of Japan court legal action of our country "comfort women " current situate. From international law, the angle sets forth illegal being similar to the case middle Japan government counterargument reason here then detailedly.Go deep into the legal rules analysing our country "comfort women " sufferer basis and the international law citing instituting legal proceedings in Japan relevance meanwhile.Bring forward measure , approach how to resolve the feasibility that a problem in the field of practice then.Great importance solving as well as our country "comfort women " requires that the Japan government carries out the reparations of war problem. From international law, the angle studies that problem, The effect beneficial to promoting having being problem''s turn is resolved, using Chinese "comfort women " sufferer in Japan aggression against China war gets the due apologizing and reparation , makes justice march from idea to reality; make China and Japan can take history as warning , look forward to the future , make both countries relation gain rapid progress on amicable stable basis and; use international law victory gaining a banner in development of human rights aspect.
Key words: Chinese "comfort women";No-Government war compensation;
Government war reparations;Defence
前 言
如何看待过去日本发动侵略战争的这段历史,一直是日本与它的亚洲邻国长期存在对立与分歧的问题,也是影响日本在亚太地区发挥与其经济大国地位相符合的政治作用的最大障碍。就中日关系而言,历史问题一直是影响两国建立互相信任关系的最大障碍之一。而“慰安妇”问题[ ] 就是日本政府长期不能面对的历史问题之一。即使在联合国人权委员会指出日本政府应承担“慰安妇”的赔偿责任,并纠正错误的历史教育的情况下,日本政府竟然设立“亚洲妇女国民基金”来试图掩饰自己的罪行。半个多世纪过去了,诸如“慰安妇”此类的历史问题因为日本政府一种置身事外的态度始终得不到妥善的解决,也始终不能成为历史。现正值胡锦涛主席访日两国关系“暖春”之际,从国际法角度去审视这一问题,可最终确定日本政府的战争责任,使其为那段历史中受到伤害的特殊群体进行应尽的赔偿,促使中日友好关系长足稳定的发展。