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【摘要】 目的 探讨过敏性紫癜(HSP)发生肾损害的临床相关因素。方法 回顾性分析1998年1月~2004年1月收治的58例HSP患儿的临床特点及实验室检查结果,其免疫学检查结果与正常对照组(30例)比较。结果 58例HSP患儿查出肾损害26例(44.8%),肾损组男女比例1.6∶1,紫癜反复16例(61.5%),而胃肠道症状20例(76.9%),其中便血8例(30.8%);非肾损组32例,男女比例0.52∶1,紫癜反复5例(15.6%),有胃肠道症状8例(25.0%),其中便血1例(3.1%),两组比较差异有显著性。肾损组和非肾损组免疫参数与正常对照组相比,血清IgA、CD8均升高,CD4、CD4/CD8均降低,以肾损组尤为明显。结论 肾损害与性别、紫癜反复、胃肠道症状及其严重程度密切相关,与血清IgA升高及T细胞亚群紊乱程度可能也有一定的关系。

【关键词】 紫癜,过敏性,肾疾病,儿童

A study of clinical correlative factors of Henoch-Schonlein purpura with renal involvement

【Abstract】 Objective To research clinical correlative factors in Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP) with renal involvement.Methods Clinical feature and laboratory results in 58 children with HSP were analysed retrospectively,and their immunological examing results were compared with 30 normal control.Results In 58 children with HSP,26 cases(44.8%)with renal involvement were found out,in which the ratio of male to female was 1.6∶1.There were 16 cases(61.5%) of purpura relapse,and 20 cases(76.9%) of gastrointestinal symptoms,of which there were 8 cases(30.8%) of bloody stools.On the contrary,32 cases with non-renal involvement were found out,in which the ratio of male to female was 0.52∶1.There were 5 case(15.6%)purpura relapse and 8 cases(25.0%) of gastrointestinal symptoms,of which there was 1 case(3.1%) of bloody stools.The difference between the two groups was significant.Compared with the control in immunological parameters,the serum IgA obviously increased and CD8 increased in both of the two groups,while the CD4 and the ratio of CD4/CD8 decreased in two groups,especially in the renal involvement group.Conclusion Renal involvement has close relationship with sex,purpura relapse,gastrointestinal symptoms and their severe extent.It may have some relationship with the increasing of serum IgA and disorders of T cell subsets.

【Key words】 purpura;allergy;nephritis;children

1 资料与方法

2 结果

3 讨论

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2 杨霁云,白克敏.小儿肾脏病基础与临床.北京:人民卫生出版社,2000,236-240.
3 廖瑞雪,马燕.腹痛型过敏性紫癜与紫癜肾炎相关性临床观察.中国小儿血液,1999,4(2):80.
4 蒋瑾瑾,方凤,陈若华.柯萨奇病毒在过敏性紫癜发病机制中的作用探讨.第二军医大学学报,2001,22(5):499.
5 赵术胜,杨月亮,程国强,等.急性过敏性紫癜患儿免疫功能的变化.实用儿科临床杂志,1997,12(3):170-171.
6 钟在英,蒋瑾瑾,方超平,等.过敏性紫癜患儿急性期细胞免疫功能变化.实用儿科临床杂志,2003,18(3):362-363.

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