文章导读:在新的一年中,各位网友都进入紧张的学习或是工作阶段。网学的各位小编整理了相关资料 -交互式电力系统继电保护原理CAI的实现的相关内容供大家参考,祝大家在新的一年里工作和学习顺利!
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1 电力系统继电保护原理CAI的设计方案1.1 开发工具 由于这个电力系统继电保护CAI是以WEB为基础的,因此相应开发工具地选择就要考虑到网络的因素。Java语言作为面向Internet的编程语言,可以和网络很好的结合使用。但是,作为一种编程语言,需要有功能强大的集成开发环境,才能快速、方便地开发出应用程序。Microsoft Visual J++6.0正是这样的集成开发环境,它使用与Visual C++完全相同的环境Microsoft Developer Studio,很适合编辑、调试Java程序,因此,选用它作为开发本CAI课件的工具。 在处理图片方面,CAI课件中有一些较为复杂的示意图,比如三段式电流保护的继电器接线示意图,以及变压器差动保护中变压器的接线图。考虑到这些图片在图片质量上并没有很高的要求以及易于编辑的因素,选用Windows自带的绘图程序来画这些图片并且用Photoshop对图片作适当处理。
The electric power system protects the design project of the principle CAI after the electricity
Development tool
Because this electric power system protects after the electricity the CAI regard WEB as basal, for this reason cowgirl development tool a choice will in consideration of the factor of the network .The Java language conduct and actions faces to the Internet plait distance language, can use with the good combination in network .But, be used as a kind of plait distance language, need to be had a great achievement can mighty gather development environment, talent fleetness, develop the applied procedure expediently . Microsoft VisualJ++6.0 gather exactly and like this development environment, it use with the Visual C++ complete same environment Microsoft Developer Studio, very in keeping with editor, adjust to try the procedure of Java, therefore, choose to use the tool that it be used as development this CAI lesson piece.
There is complicated sketch map in some in handle picture aspect, CAI lesson piece, for example three types electric current is protective to connect the line sketch map after the electric appliances, and the transformer differs to move the protection inside transformer connects the line diagram .In consideration of these pictures have no on the picture quantity very the factor between highland request and easy to editor, choose to use the Windows to draw these pictures and use the Photoshop to make to the picture from the painting procedure that take the adequacy handles.