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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/07/25

鉴于大家对相关资料 十分关注,我们编辑小组在此为大家搜集整理了“浅析新媒体技术对唱片产业的影响”一文,供大家参考学习!

论文编号:DSZP044 论文字数:7069,页数:08



Analysis On The New Media Technology On The Recording Industry''s Influence

Abstract: the record industry is a history of one hundred years of industry, in the long course of development, the recording industry with technical progress, has become a cultural industry ''s largest most profitable industry. Now, with the advent of the Internet age and the new media technology application, the record industry this traditional industry encountered the hundred years history of the development of the most severe test: piracy is rampant, illegal Internet download, music and vector spread way change, which is the traditional music industry to seek new outlet problem is becoming increasingly urgent. This article analyzes these issues, and from the angle of how to deal with the views put forward. The thesis consists of four parts. The first part, the development trend of new media is introduced. The second part analysis of new media technology on the record industry influence factors. The third part record industry way is suggested. The fourth part summarizes the.

Key words: new media; reform; mode

1 新媒体的发展趋势 3
1.1 新兴媒体行业将引领时代潮流 3
1.2 部分传统的媒体行业将逐步走向衰微 3
1.3 文化内容将成为媒体产业核心竞争力 3
2 新媒体技术对唱片产业影响因素 3
2.1新媒体音乐形式 3
2.1.1 新媒体音乐创作特点 3
2.1.2 新媒体音乐发行模式 4
2.1.3 新媒体音乐盈利模式 4
2.2 唱片产业音乐形式 4
2.2.1 唱片产业音乐创作模式 4
2.2.2 唱片产业音乐发行模式 5
2.2.3 唱片产业音乐盈利模式 5
3 唱片公司应采取的应对措施 5
3.1 公司转型做版权 5
3.2 尝试新的发行模式 6
3.3 创作新的音乐产品 6
3.4整合新媒体平台 6
3.5盈利模式转变 7
3.5.1 选择直销模式 7
3.5.2依然扮演CP角色 7
3.5.3扮演SP的角色 7
4 总结 7
参考文献 7

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