中文字数:3940,中文页数:7 英文字数:2410页数:10
Accuracy Limit of High-Precision Stochastic Watt-Hour Meter
Dragan Pejic´, Member, IEEE, and Vladimir Vuji˘cic´, Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper deals with the practical application of the newly developed stochastic watt-hour meter. The limit of its precision is analyzed theoretically, via simulation, and experimentally.The precision of 0.0062% is achieved in the laboratory experiment. Field experiments also confirm good application properties of the device.
Index Terms—Dither, energy measurements, error analysis, stochastic systems, watt-hour meters.
Dragan Pejic ′、成员、 IEEE 和 Vladimir Vuji?cic ′、成员,IEEE
摘要:这纸处理崭新发展的随机程序瓦时公尺的实际申请。 经由模拟, 和实验式地,它的精密的界限理论上被分析。0.0062% 的精密在实验室实验方面被达成。 领域实验也确定装置的好申请特性。
编入索引中期限-抖, 能源测量, 错误分析, 随机程序系统,瓦时公尺。