资料包括: 论文(8页9142字)
【摘 要 题】近代中国传统农业在西学东渐的历史潮流下发生了巨大变化。这种变化具有以下三个显著特点:其一,中西交融是近代中国传统农业演变的主流,中国传统农业一方面吸取西方近代农业的某些因素,另一方面仍然保持中国传统农业的优秀传统,走上了中西交融的近代化之路。其二,中西农业融合的进程表现为突出的层差性,由东南沿海到西北内陆,从技术、制度到精神,中西交融由表及里,层层深化。其三,中西交融的结果,是发生了奇特的异变现象,中西农业融合在一起,形成了有机的整体。
【英文摘要】Great changes have taken place in modern Chinese traditionalagriculture,with the learning of the West being spread to the East.There are three main features of the changes:First,the harmony of China and the West is the mainstream in the evolution of modern Chinese traditional agriculture.Chinese traditional agriculture absorbs the advantages of modern Western agriculture on one hand,on the other hand it keeps its own fine tradition.Second,the process of the harmony is on levels,the harmony is deepening step by step,from Southeast coast to Northwest inland,from technology and system to spirit,from the surface to the center.Third,the result of the harmony is the extraordinary changes.That is,an organic whole is formed on the basis of the harmony.