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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/22


论文编号:SP043  论文字数:8013,页数:18   附开题报告,任务书


 Abstract:Dioscorea on sexual reproduction at different sowing methods, different sowing the seed germination rate, flowering and growth habits and other biological characteristics were observed. The highest germination rate environment in the Petri dish, seed germination rate in mid-April the highest annual Dioscorea plant sexual reproduction than thin, it is recommended after emergence fertilizer to promote growth of the ground area, thus speeding up the sexual Reproduction of dry matter and saponin accumulation. Another root of the sexual reproduction of measured yield and saponin content, analysis of experimental data, obtained the separation of sexual reproduction is quite serious, with three years in plant sexual reproduction than its index of annual and biennial to be higher , in particular, up to 2.60% saponin content. Therefore, sexual reproduction for the breeding of Dioscorea provides a very rich material of genetic variation, for us to have fine goal from selected plant traits, in production, sexual reproduction of Dioscorea economic benefits of the highest three-year old plants.
 Key words: Dioscrea zingiberensis C.H.Wright;Sexual propagation;Diosgenin content


目    录

1前言 5
2 材料与方法 6
2.1 试验材料 6
2.2试验方案 6
2.2.1 有性繁殖材料的种植 6
2.2.2 不同播种方式种子发芽试验 6
2.2.3 不同播期的出苗试验 7
2.3 测定项目与方法 7
2.3.1田间记载 7
2.3.2田间取样 7
2.3.3根茎重量 7
2.3.4皂素含量 7
2.4 计算方法 7
2.4.1 发芽率测定方法 7
2.4.2 皂素含量的计算 7
2.4.3 含水量的计算 8
3 结果与分析 8
3.1 盾叶薯蓣有性繁殖的生物学特性 8
3.1.1 不同播种方式下盾叶薯蓣种子发芽的比较 9
3.1.2 不同播期与出苗的关系 9
3.1.3 有性繁殖方式生育期 9
3.1.4 有性繁殖方式的生长形态 10
3.1.5 盾叶薯蓣有性繁殖植株开花习性的观察 10
3.2 盾叶薯蓣有性繁殖根状茎产量和皂素含量的测定 11
3.2.1 一年生有性繁殖不同单株的根茎产量和皂素含量 11
3.2.2 不同年限的有性繁殖植株的根茎产量和皂素含量的比较 12
3.2.3 有性繁殖植株与母株的关系 12
3.2.4 根茎含水量与产量和皂素含量的关系 13
4讨论与小结 14
4.1 关于盾叶薯蓣有性繁殖利用的问题 14
4.2 关于有性繁殖与无性繁殖结合在育种中利用前景的问题 15
4.3 关于种子发芽率的问题 15
4.4 关于根茎含水量与皂素含量关系的问题 16
5参 考 文 献 16

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