论文编号:SP028 论文字数:11749,页数:23
关键词 大肠杆菌 血清型 药敏试验
Sensitivity Testing of Different Serotypes of Avian E. coli Bacteria for the Same Drug
Abstract: This paper studied the sensitivities of different serotypes of avian
E. coli for the same drug by the drug sensitivity tests, and provide theoretical basis for clinical treatment. In this experiment, 6 serotypes of the bacteria were gained from nine strains of 25 species, and the high-sensitivity drugs were screened from 26 antibiotics for the six E. coli bacteria. The results showed that 6 serotypes of the bacteria were high-sensitivity for 10 kinds of drugs such as pioneer V, chloramphenicol and junbizhi, showed resistance to 10 kinds of drugs, and were inconsistent sensitivity for the other 6 kinds of drugs. From those results, 10 high-sensitivity drugs, ofloxacin and kanamycin were recommended to use in treating the E. coli disease.
Key words:E. coli; Serotype; Drug Sensitivity Test
摘要 1
Abstract 1
1 前 言 2
2 材料与方法 4
2.1 材料 4
2.1.1 病料 4
2.1.2 培养基 4
2.1.3 普通细菌生化鉴定管 4
2.1.4 试剂 4
2.1.5 仪器与设备 4
2.1.6 实验用具 4
2.1.7 实验药物 4
2.2 方法 5
2.2.1 实验所需各种培养基的配制 5
2.3 操作步骤 6
2.3.1 技术路线和检验程序 6
2.3.2 病料采集、疑似大肠杆菌菌样纯培养、初步镜检 7
2.3.3 确定实验用大肠杆菌 8
2.3.4 纯化培养和增殖培养 9
2.3.5 纯化菌种镜检和大肠杆菌显色培养 9
2.3.6 生化鉴定 10
2.3.7 血清型鉴定 10
2.3.8 药物敏感性试 11
3 结果与分析 11
3.1 病料采集 11
3.2 初步镜检结果 12
3.3 菌种筛选结果与菌种纯化增殖培养结果 12
3.4 纯化菌种镜检结果和显色培养结果 14
3.5 生化鉴定结果 15
3.6 血清型鉴定结果 17
3.7 药敏试验结果 19
4 讨 论 22
参 考 文 献 23