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资料包括: 论文(6页10026字)
说明:【英文标题】Economic Crisis: Its Causes and Enlightenment
——A Personal Understanding of Marxism Theory ofEconomic Crisis
【英文摘要】The founders of Marxism have profoundly studied economiccrisis and revealed its causes. These causes are: the blindcompetition;the conflicts between production and consumption;the contradiction between the developing productive forcesand its diminishing market;the expansion of wholesale tradeand the inflation of confidence in the currency; the surplusof consumption goods and that of capital assets investment;the imbalance of production; the jerking development ofeconomy and export trade etc.Being the necessary proceduresof production and the preconditions of reproduction, thesefactors are also seen in socialist market economy and maypotentially trigger& nbsp;the origination of economic crisis inChina.the destruction of capitalist system doesn’t mean theelimination of economic crisis,and economic crisis may runparallel with market economy.
【关 键 词】经济危机,市场经济,具体原因
Economic Crisis/Market Economy/Cause Enlightenment