资料包括: 论文(5页9138字)
说明:【英文标题】Important thoughts of "the Three Representatives"and the st-udy ofCPCZHANG \
【英文摘要】The important thoughts of the "Three Ropresentatives", Which has a very close
relationship with the study of CPC, is the root of the theory of the study of CPC.
From one
aspect, it p-rovides the study of CPC the basis of the theory, which makes clearly the main
thread of the research and the new emphasis, and expand the scope of the
research topic. From the other as-pect, the study of CPC provides ample historic proof for the important thoughts
of "the Three Representatives".
【关 键 词】 “三个代表”,中国共产党,中共党史学"Three Representatives"/the Communist Party of China (CPC)/the study of CPC