摘要: 不同宗教之间,宗教与世俗社会之间应当相互宽容、相互容忍,相互承认、相互尊重,相互对话、相互理解,以切实实现和保障宗教自由与宗教信仰自由。为此我们须承认人的意志自由,实施政教分离原则以及世俗政治权力分立与相互制衡原则。
On the Religious Toleration
Summary: Various religions, religions and secular societies should tolerate each other, recognize each other, respect each other, discuss with each other, understand each other, in order to realize and guarantee the religious freedom and the freedom of religious belief. For this reason we must approve the freedom of the human will and realize separation of the church from state and division of secular powers.
Keywords: religion, religious toleration, religious freedom, freedom of religious belief, institutional religion.