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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/27


论文编号:LS152  论文字数:13328,页数:18

摘   要

 Pingnan its administrative jurisdiction of the history of the evolution and transmission of customs and dialects belong to Fuzhou, political and economic cultural circle, and close to Fuzhou Fujian, Fuzhou is the hometown of 10-eup. Pingnan County tangkou Township, Village occasion a long history and rich in resources, thousands of years to save the rich cultural heritage, accumulated a deep cultural connotation of belonging to the history and culture during the Ming and Qing Fujian Province village. Pingnan Village historical and cultural heritage, including the occasion of the unity of the three religions religious culture, and diverse local theater culture, respect for teachers in society, the ancient Ming and Qing style residential buildings, unique food culture, as well as other tree 1 style of all aspects of life and art. Inter-Village Pingnan-depth exploration of the origins and characteristics of historical and cultural heritage and help promote the construction of historical and cultural village.

 Key  words:Jitou-Village;Pingnan;Religion;Drama Culture;Ancient Vernacular Architecture

目   录
一、引言 (1)
二、千年古村“屏南好际头” (1)
三、崇文尚武 俊才辈出 (3)
 (一)“尊师重教” 俊贤盛出 (3)
(二)武术文化渊源流长 (4)
四、多元的宗教信仰与民俗活动 (5)
(一)神乎其神的传说 (5)
(二)独特的道教文化 (6)
(三)特色的宗教民俗活动 (7)
五、传承远播的戏剧文化 (8)
(一)多种剧种发源地 (8)
(二)独具区域特殊的艺术文化 (8)
六、明清建筑与根雕雕刻艺术 (9)
(一)数量众多,类别丰富多彩的民居建筑 (9)
(二)历史悠久的寺庙建筑 (10)
(三)特色的宗祠建筑 (11)
(四)传统根雕手工艺盛名 (11)
七、特色的社会生活 (11)
(一)风味小吃 (12)
(二)土特名产 (12)
八、结语 (12)
参考文献 (14)
致谢 (15)

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