论文编号:LS170 论文字数:11830,页数:14
关键词:宋真宗 励精图治 刷新政治 澶渊之盟 运筹帷幄
Ananlyzing Song Zhenzong in the Chanyuan Treaty of Alliance
Abstract:Song Zhenzong was a disputed emperor of Song Dynasty after Song Huizong.In tradition , it,s said that Song Zhenzong was link with the treaty of Song and Liao , the treaty of Song and Xia , and was link with a large scale of construction and offering sacrifice to gods or ancestors . However , he was hardworking and do something when he became a emperor . He attacked personally twice on his own to encourage soldier to fight for their home. In the end , the solider of Song won the war .By taking advantage of the battle at Chanyuan , Song Zhenzong seized the turning point from being at war with the Liao Dynasty to making a compromise with the Liao Dynasty . Liao Dynasty was fraid that the uncompromising behaviour of Song Dynasty on the region of Guannan . Finally , Song Dynasty exchanged smaller cost for larger benefit . Thus , both the two parties were in peaceful coexistence with each other for a long period of one thousand years .The fact that Han reconciled with Fan was well known far and wide in the ancient history . Of course , both of them made some compromises and concessions , and although they did not bring humiliation upon each other . Song Dynasty, s compromise is in accordance with the communication conventions between Central Plains dynasties and nomad kingdoms in feudal times . moreover , the treaty-making meets the demand of historical development and thus has progressive significance . As one of the critical fingures of this historical event , Song Zhenzong took aseries of considerably effective measures in the first year of Jing De . So he was a monarch of courage and insight , of resource and astuteness , and of achievement as well .
Key words: Song Zhenzong Hardworking Reform Chanyuan Treaty of Alliance Courage and Insight
1.宋真宗对内政策的调整 …… ………………………………………………6
(1)宋真宗努力刷新政治,事必躬亲 …………………………………………6
(2)减免赋税,减免劳役,劝课农桑 …………………………………………6
(1)分析形势、确定“和辽”方针 ……………………………………………7
(2)“和辽”政策的确定和澶渊之盟的签定 …………………………………8
三、宋真宗在处理对辽关系中的表现 ………………………………………12
结论 ……………………………………………………………………………13
参考文献 ………………………………………………………………………14