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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/15


机械设计制造及其自动化论文,论文编号:JX1187  论文字数:14976.页数:32

 摘   要
关键词:  机器人 传动系统 执行机构
 Terrorist activities are individuals or groups, to achieve a certain purpose of using of force or threat of unexploded means, deliberately created an atmosphere of panic action. U.S. "911" incident, the hostage incident in Moscow, Bali terrorist bombing and other terrorist activities make the world over the death of a shadow. With the development of robot technology can replace people in dangerous operating environment for the conduct of robot technology matured. Under such circumstances, countries have attached great importance to anti-terrorism robot research, to replace the people to implement such as INAROE, rescue the hostages, detect, explore, mine clearance and other dangerous than the anti-terrorism task.
 The third mechanical design contest of Zhejiang province that is anti-terrorism robot to the design and production as a game title. Its mainly aim is to rescue the hostages against the anti-terrorism task of the design for robots to achieve small-angle turn, limited by restrictions of high-tunnel across the trenches, Scroll the wall, accurate positioning rescue the hostages, a number of hostages moving fastly. That is, their request has strong ability to walk, the more impaired the ability and carrying capacity, the entire task to be completed within a limited time. The graduation project design and product anti-terrorism robot in accordance with the requirements of mechanical design competition.
 This paper reviews the development of a robot, the subject is asked for the detailed design of the anti-terrorism robot principle of the programme. To enhance the anti-terrorism robot''s mobility-impaired and the ability to use a combination of walking round Lu, with its wheeled and tracked the merits of walking, both in the flat ground fast forward, flexible turn, can adapt to the complex ground. The forward operations of its gear-driven approach with Direct Group for the transmission shaft, each round has tracked a driving force, and more drive. In order to rescue the hostages at the fast positioning, accurate and reliable crawl hostages, a rectangular coordinates of the robot arm design, cross-cutting machinery Arc of the claw design. For moving fastly of a number of hostages to a safe place, targeting to design a self-rotating cabin design of the hostages, capable of carrying a number of hostages, and mechanical claws and two-way location, convenient to crawl. In the anti-terrorism robot control part of a detailed design that some parts of the size, strength, material selection to carry out a detailed calculation and design; also on the mechanical structure has been designed and drew a map and assembly parts of the map. Finally purchase materials processing and product parts, then ultimately complete physical model.
 Physical model is completed, it can complete the task within four minutes to save the hostages, the action is simple and reliable, highly workable。This article works has won second prize in mechanical design contest of Zhejiang Province.
Keywords:Robot   Transmission System   Implementing agencies

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目录 Ⅰ
第一章    绪论 1
 1.1  选题目的背景和意义 1
 1.2  国内外研究和发展情况 1
 1.3  研究的方法与技术路线  2
 1.4  本章小结 2
第二章   设计任务 3
 2.1  设计目标 3
 2.2  设计要求 3
 2.3  设计内容 3
 2.4  本章小结 4
第三章  反恐机器人的原理方案构思和拟定 5
 3.1   设计方案概述 5
 3.1.1   折叠式四条履带的行走部分设计 5
 3.1.2   直角坐标型关节机械臂的设计 5
 3.1.3   旋转式人质舱的设计 6
 3.1.4   交叉圆弧的机械爪设计 6
第四章  传动方案与动力的设计、计算和分析 7
 4.1  反恐机器人车体的机械部分设计 7
  4.1.1  反恐机器人底盘的结构设计 7
 4.1.2  反恐机器人前后支架的结构设计 8
 4.2   反恐机器人车体设计计算说明 12
 4.2.1  反恐机器人车体结构尺寸 12
 4.2.2  齿轮传动设计计算说明 12
 4.2.3  蜗杆蜗轮传动设计计算说明 13
 4.3  传动部分动力的设计计算 16
 4.3.1  反恐机器人车体动力的设计计算 16
 4.3.2  动力控制原理 16
第五章  动作执行机构的设计、计算和分析 18
 5.1  动作执行机构的设计 18
 5.1.1  机械臂的结构设计 18
 5.1.2  机械爪的设计 19
 5.1.3  旋转式人质舱的结构设计 19
 5.2  动作执行机构的设计计算说明 20
 5.2.1  机械臂结构尺寸确定 20
 5.2.2  旋转式人质舱结构尺寸确定 21
 5.3  动作执行机构的动力设计计算说明 21
 5.3.1  机械臂的动力设计计算 21
 5.3.2  动作执行机构动力控制原理 22
第六章  反恐机器人的制作 24
 6.1  机器人材料的选择 24
 6.2  解决机器人制作过程遇到的问题 24
第七章  结论 25
参考文献 26
致谢 27

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