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机械设计制造及其自动化论文,论文编号:JX1441  论文字数:19296.页数:32  附CAD图

 摘    要
关键词:起重机  旋转机构  传动机件

 The design of a wall hanging crane with a 4m cantilever and hangs 0.5 ton
 In this paper, I design a wall hanging crane with a 4m cantilever and hang 0.5 ton. I analysis required the crane to achieve the functional requirements and the corresponding structure, to understand the working principle of the crane, the basic structure, system composition and functions. This study is to design the cantilever of the crane and its rotation part and select its parameters.
 Crane is a machinery of cycle, intermittent movement, including hoisting, rotating, amplitude, walking and other movement organizations. So the main task is to select corresponding parts and technical data of its rotation part, to both well realize the crane''''s operation and noninterference in each other and with the good.
 Design includes the overall structure of the crane, the choice of transmission parts. In this paper, the design of the crane structure and assembly drawings, part drawings, there is a detailed description.
 Keywords: Crane  Rotation part  Transmission components

摘    要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 设计的背景及意义 1
1.2   起重机的分类 1
1.3 起重机发展状况 2
1.4  起重机发展趋势 5
1.5 研究内容 8
1.6  本章小结 8
第二章   起重机的组成 9
2.1   基本概念 9
2.2   本章小结 11
第三章 起重机设计 12
3.1  电动葫芦的选择 12
3.2  起重机悬臂梁的设计计算 13
3.2.1计算条件 13
3.2.2受力计算 13
3.3 本章小结 14
第四章  旋转机构设计 15
4.1 旋转机构组成 15
4.2旋转支承装置设计 15
4.2.1定柱计算 15
4.2.2 螺栓组的设计 16
4.3 旋转驱动装置设计 17
4.4 本章小结 23
第五章  起重机的维护与保养 23
5.1 机械设备维护与保养 23
5.2  金属结构的维护与保养 24
5.3  电气系统的维护与保养 24
5.4  起重机的润滑 24
5.5  本章小结 25
第六章 设计总结 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28

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