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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/25


论文字数:8706,过程装备与控制工程专业毕业论文摘要扬子石油化工公司物流部火炬气回收装置离心压缩机在运行过程中,由于火炬气组分较杂,机组在运行过程中,火炬气易聚合并堵塞压缩机缸体流道,使得压缩机运行周期短,检修费用高,火炬气回收装置不能高负荷稳定运行,后来通过与南京工业大学合作攻关,对火炬气和堵塞物的全组分进行分析,进行调温聚合实验,决定增加脱盐水在线清洗设施,降低缸体流道中火炬气温度,及时冲洗堵塞物,从根本上确保了离心压缩机的长周期高负荷稳定运行。 关键词: 离心压缩机  堵塞原因分析  在线清洗技术  
SummaryThe gas of flare easier block the cylinder of compressor when the mixed components of gases transfer in the flare gases recycle system of YPC Logistic Department, and the result caused that the system can not be run smoothly with higher capacity and the running period shorten, and also higher maintenance cost needed, so after researching and investigation together with Nanjing Industry University, we determined add a device that online cleaning the system with the water of missing salt after did an experiment by adjusting the temperature of polymerization after sampled and analyzed the components of the gases and the blocked substance, and reduce the temperature of flare cylinder pipe, and flush the blocked materials in the compressor to ensure the machine running smoothly with a longer periods and higher charges ultimately. 
Key words:   Compressor     Reason analysis of block   Technique of online cleaning

目  录

摘要目录前言第一章火炬气回收装置工艺1.1系统工艺流程1.1压缩机气路流程第二章离心压缩机性能参数第三章火炬气的组分第四章压缩机结焦堵塞的现象4.1 分析堵塞物的组分4.2堵塞状况第五章压缩机堵塞的机理分析5.1 火炬气结焦实验5.1.1实验设备5.1.2 实验方法及过程5.1.3 实验结果5.1.4 实验数据的分析5.2 压缩机结焦机理第六章在线清洗技术6.1注水雾化原理6.2确定注水系统参数6.3设计螺旋节流雾化喷嘴6.4注水流程及雾化喷嘴的设置6.5水质要求6.6在线清洗设施投用效果第七章结束语参考文献
离心压缩机缸体堵塞原因及在线清洗技术的运用 ......
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