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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/25


论文字数:16084,页数:28  附任务书,开题报告,实习报告,外文翻译

关键词  桥式起重机;起升机构;传动方案;部件

 The bridge-type hoist crane is the application quite widespread one kind of hoisting machinery, is also consumable material most one kind of hoist cranes It can drive in the upper air, can sweep away the entire workshop the floor space, thus, obtains the widespread application.
 The bridge-type hoist crane''''s hoisting mechanism is uses for to realize the cargo fluctuation, it is in the overhead traveling crane the most basic mechanism.The hoisting mechanism mainly by the drive, the transmission device, the coiling installment, takes the installment and the arresting gear and so on is composed. In addition, according to needs also to be possible to install each kind of auxiliary unit, like the limitator, lifts heavy objects the killer, the weighing installment and so on. Hoisting mechanism''''s structure is: The electric motor is connected through the shaft coupling and the deceleration high speed axis, but reduction gear''''s slow speed shaft leads the reel, or lays down the steel wire volume, after the lift hook group, causes the lift hook to rise or the drop. Therefore hoisting mechanism''''s design must through the primary election transmission plan, the block and tackle, the lift hook group, the reel group, the steel wire, the electrical machinery, the shaft coupling, the brake, parts and so on high speed axis, then the basis concrete parameter computation selection concrete model, the checking calculation unmistakable only then be possible to complete finally.
 This carne is a kind of 50/10t bridge carnes. It uses in the factory workshop lifting the goods, This topic mainly vice-rises the organization to the 50/10t double beam bridge type hoist crane machine car to carry on the system design. The carne is required to be stables, high accuracy, safety, reliability and advanced technology. This design uses the closed transmission. For the sake of safety, the tape stopping round half gear shaft coupling and the brake should approach the reduction gear, floats the moving axis to wrench apart like this accidentally, the brake still might apply the brake to live in the reel.
 This text briefly introduce the carne’s capability, structure, the actuality of development, and so on, referring to “Design criterion of carne” (GB3811-83) and design and calculate of the hoisting mechanism and its accessory in “Design handbook of carne”. From scheme demonstrating to designing and calculating, it takes full advantage of the computer in the whole design to raise the quality of the design, cut the cycle of the design, improve the work efficiency
Keywords  Bridge-type hoist crane   Hoisting mechanism  Transmission plan  Components

 目       录
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题的意义 1
1.2 本课题的研究目的 2
1.3 桥式起重机的研究现状 2
1.3.1 重点产品大型化,高速化和专用化 2
1.3.2 系列产品模块化、组合化和标准化 2
1.3.3 通用产品小型化、轻型化和多样化 3
1.3.4 产品性能自动化、智能化和数字化 3
1.3.5 成套化、集成化和柔性化 3
1.3.6 产品构造新型化、美观化和实用化 4
1.4 桥式起重机的分类 5
1.5 起升机构的介绍 6
1.6 本课题的主要技术参数 6
2 传动方案的确定 7
2.1 传动方案的分类 7
3 起升机构各部件的选择计算 9
3.1 吊钩组的选择 9
3.1.1 吊钩组的组成及分类 9
3.1.2 选择吊钩组 10
3.2 钢丝绳的选择 10
3.2.1 钢丝绳的构造及分类 11
3.2.2 钢丝绳的计算 11
3.3 滑轮组的选用 12
3.3.1 轮组的定义及分类 12
3.3.2 滑轮组的初步选定 12
3.3.3 滑轮组倍率的确定 12
3.3.4 滑轮最小直径的确定 13
3.4 卷筒组的选择 13
3.4.1 卷筒的作用及分类 13
3.4.2 卷筒的参数计算 14
3.5 根据静功率初选电动机 15
3.6 减速器选择 15
3.6.1 减速器概述 15
3.6.2 减速器选型计算 15
3.7 制动器的选择 16
3.7.1 制动器的简介 16
3.7.2 制动器的选型计算 18
3.8 联轴器的选择 18
3.8.1 联轴器的分类及特性 18
3.8.2 联轴器的选型计算 18
3.9 制动时间的验算 19
3.10 起动时间的验算 19
3.11 电动机发热验算 20
3.12 高速浮动轴的验算 20
结论 21
致谢 23
参考文献 24
附录 25
附录一 25

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