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车辆工程专业毕业论文,论文编号:JX1423  论文字数:15706.页数:42 CAD图

摘     要


关键词:离合器  设计 计算

    Auto transmission clutch is directly connected to the engine assembly, its purpose is to cut off and the realization of the transmission of power transmission, to ensure the car will start the engine and the transmission smoothly articulated, to ensure that a smooth start; in the shift When separation of the engine and transmission, shift gears to reduce transmission of the impact between; at work by the most dynamic load when the transmission system is exposed to limit the maximum torque to prevent the transmission of parts damaged due to overload; effectively reduce the transmission of vibration and noise. In modern automotive design, the diaphragm spring clutch is widely applied, the design is discussed diaphragm spring clutch. According to the function and structure of the clutch, the clutch from the active part of the device into the driven section, separated bodies, control bodies. According to the requirements of practical application, the design of the clutch are given functions and working principle of the details, explain the purpose of the design, advantages and diaphragm spring clutch disc profile. Detailed calculation of main parameters of calculation Clutch: friction disc, pressure plate gap between the calculated separation of the diaphragm spring and bearing clearance calculation and institutions to determine the description of the pressure plate temperature check and calculation of the isolated life of bearings.
Keywords:Clutch; Design;Calculate

中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
第一章  绪    论 1
1.1研究目的 1
1.2研究背景 2
1.3系统描述 3
 1.3.1 离合器的功用 3
 1.3.2 离合器工作原理 4
 1.3.3  现代汽车离合器应满足的要求 4
1.4 论文内容的概述 5
第二章  离合器的结构型式选择 6
2.1从动盘数及干、湿式的结构型式 6
2.1.1  单片干式摩擦离合器 6
2.1.2  双片干式摩擦离合器 6
2.1.3  多片湿式离合器 6
2.2 压紧弹簧的结构型式及布置 7
2.2.1  周置弹簧离合器 7
2.2.2  中央弹簧离合器 7
2.2.3  斜置弹簧离合器 7
2.2.4  膜片弹簧离合器 8
2.3 从动盘的结构型式 8
2.4 离合器类型的确定 9
2.5 操纵方式的选择 10
第三章  离合器的基本参数确定 11
3.1初选摩擦片外径D、内径d、厚度b 11
3.2  后备系数β 12
3.3  单位压力 12
3.4 摩擦因数f、离合器间隙Δt 13
第四章  离合器基本参数的校核 14
4.1 最大圆周速度 14
4.2 摩擦片内、外径之比c 14
4.3 后备系数β 14
4.4 扭转减振器的校核 14
4.5 单位摩擦面积传递的转矩 14
4.6 单位压力 15
第五章  从动盘总成的设计 16
5.1 从动盘的结构和组成 16
5.2 从动盘总成设计 16
5.3 从动盘毂 16
5.4 从动片 17
5.5 波形片和减振弹簧 18
5.6 从动盘摩擦材料 18
第六章  扭转减振器的设计 20
6.1  扭转减振器的功用 20
6.1.1 弹簧摩擦式扭转减振器 20
6.2  扭转减振器主要参数 21
 6.2.1 极限转矩 21
 6.2.2 扭转刚度 21
 6.2.3 阻尼摩擦转矩 21
 6.2.4 预紧转矩 22
 6.2.5 减振弹簧的位置半径 22
 6.2.6 减振弹簧个数 22
 6.2.7 减振弹簧总压力 22
6.3 减振弹簧的计算 23
 6.3.1 减振弹簧的分布半径 23
 6.3.2 单个减振器的工作压力P 23
 6.3.3 减振弹簧尺寸 23
第七章  压盘设计 25
7.1 离合器盖 25
7.2 压盘 25
 7.2.1 压盘传动方式的选择 25
 7.2.2 压盘几何尺寸的确定 25
 7.2.3 压盘的材料 26
7.3 传力片的设计及强度校核 26
7.4 分离轴承 27
第八章  膜片弹簧的设计 28
8.1  膜片弹簧的优点及工作特性 28
8.2  膜片弹簧的基本参数的选择 28
 8.2.1 比值和h的选择(原始内截锥高度H,弹簧片厚度h) 28
 8.2.2 比值和R、r的选择 29
 8.2.3 膜片弹簧起始圆锥底角的选择 29
 8.2.4 分离指数目n的选取 29
 8.2.5 膜片弹簧小端内半径及分离轴承作用半径的确定 29
 8.2.6 切槽宽度、及半径 29
 8.2.7 压盘加载点半径和支承环加载点半径的确定 29
8.3 膜片弹簧的弹性特性曲线 30
8.4  膜片弹簧工作点位置确定 29
8.5 强度校核 30
第九章  结  论 33
参考文献 34
致     谢 35

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