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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/25


机械设计制造及其自动化论文,论文编号:JX1225  论文字数:25533.页数:76

摘  要
 关键词:机构 SolidWorks  COSMOSMotion 建模 仿真

 The resource bank is a synthesis of the wisdom of our predecessors on the basis of the for mechanical engineering and other technical personnel in the transformation of old products and the development of new products using the reference design, can help designers accurate selection, shorten the design cycle, reduce design costs, This innovation to accelerate the development and promoting technological progress is undoubtedly of great significance.
 This paper is based on the basis of some plane mechanisms or mechanical products'''' schematic structure. According to the structure drawn up by the parameters, use SolidWorks 3D modeling and assembly parts. Then use COSMOSMotion movtion and dynamic simulation analysis, complete the typical mechanisms of the link, cams, gears, spiral and other mechanisms design and simulation, then test, modify and optimize the design, made before the need to organize a group to study complex design and calculation, Manufacturing physical prototype test results greatly simplify the design process.
 Chapter 1 mainly elaborates the concept and method of mechanisms’ design, and physical prototype and its technique; Chapter 2 introduces the software of SolidWorks in brief; Chapter 3 aims at a Step-feed mechanism and cam mechanism, introducing mechanism to set up a mold and assemble and simulation in detail; Chapter 4 elaborates each mechanism of assemble and simulation model, mainly include the airplane rises and falls of the swing lead the crank of pole mechanism, the crank and block mechanism of cranes, the screw connect pole mechanism of wheel steering, the hand-claw parallelism open to shut of machine hand, the simple vibration mechanism, the cam mechanism of saw, the enlarging a route of travel of the combination of pole gear mechanism, the crank and block mechanism of the screw connect pole mechanism, slot form the cam drive of the straight line mechanism, the spherical pole mechanism of sewing machine etc..
 Keywords:Mechanisms  SolidWorks  COSMOSMotion  Modeling  Simulation

目 录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
 1.1 机构与机构学的概念 1
 1.2 机构分析与设计 1
 1.3 虚拟样机技术 4
 1.4 课题内容与实现方法 6
 1.5 本毕业设计机构设计方法与基本步骤 6
 1.6 本章小节 7
第2章 SolidWorks简介 8
 2.1  SolidWorks概况 8
 2.2  SolidWorks模块构成 8
 2.3 本章小节 9
第3章 运动仿真机构实例 10
 3.1 步进送料机构 10
 3.2 凸轮机构 19
 3.3 本章小节 24
第4章 常用机构的运动仿真 25
 4.1 实现近似直线的铰链四杆机构 25
 4.2 契贝谢夫铰链六杆机构 26
 4.3 起重机的曲柄滑块机构 27
 4.4 刮水器传动装置 28
 4.5 手爪平行开闭的机械手 29
 4.6 手爪间距可调的机械手 30
 4.7 简易振动机 31
 4.8 收起飞机起落架的摆动导杆机构 32
 4.9 四轮车轮子转向的螺旋连杆机构 33
 4.9.1 机构简图与简介 33
 4.9.2 运动仿真模型 33
 4.10 缝纫机的导杆球面机构 34
 4.11 锯条的凸轮机构 35
 4.12 槽形凸轮驱动的直线运动机构 36
 4.13 具有螺旋进给的滚轮-圆锥轮式无级变速机构 37
 4.14 增大行程的连杆齿轮组合机构 38
 4.15 行程长度周期性渐变的机构 39
 4.16 行程放大机构 40
 4.17 由曲柄滑块驱动的螺旋连杆机构 41
 4.18 本章小节 41
第5章 总结 42
参考文献 43
致   谢 44

  • 上一篇资讯: 自动化制造车间的设计
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