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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/25


机械设计制造及其自动化论文,论文编号:JX1269  论文字数:15406.页数:36

摘 要
 关键词:  逆向工程 UGNX  车灯

 A car lights was completed based on the reverse engineering of the basic principles and operational procedures in UGNX. Because of the higher car lights, certain degree of fairness, condenser and aesthetics, each completed face and the final product were analyzed on all aspects of product testing.
 In this paper, the detailed process of reverse modeling was offered, including: product analysis of the analysis, the mother of the production, the cross-section analysis, surface reflectivity, the error measurement. Based on UGNX design a complete car lights, the lights are beautiful and the fairing of a good condenser, can really fit the structure of the vehicle and, in practice a good condenser performance meet the safety performance of vehicles . Reverse Engineering, also known as reverse engineering is an emerging technology in the manufacture and application remains to be perfect. Reverse Engineering, also known as reverse engineering is an emerging technology in the manufacture and application still needs to be improved.
Key words: Reverse Engineering,  UGNX,  lights

目 录
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
第一章  绪论 1
 1.1  课题背景 1
 1.2  任务及意义 2
第二章  逆向工程技术原理 4
 2.1  实现原理 4
 2.2  作图技巧与规则 7
第三章  UG介绍 10
 3.1  UG背景 10
 3.2  主要模块介绍 10
 3.3  功能介绍 12
 3.3.1  基本曲线、编辑及样条 12
 3.3.2  曲面功能 13
 3.3.3  分析功能 15
第四章  汽车车灯逆向设计 19
 4.1 认识及分析产品 19
 4.2  体的分解及确定拔模方向 21
 4.3  逆向过程 21
结论 30
参考文献 31
毕业设计总结 32
致谢 33

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