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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/25


机械设计制造及其自动化论文,论文编号:JX1254  论文字数:24055.页数:46


关键词:电液比例节流阀 插装阀 比例电磁铁 液压

 The topic of this graduation project is precisely one kind of electro-hydraulic proportional valve----two stage electro-hydraulic proportional throttle valve. This design will first carry on detailed analysis to the structure, principle and function parameter of various part of this kind of valve, then complete the structural design and the parameter design of the two stage electro-hydraulic proportional throttle valve ,this valve''''s main stage is cartridge valve ,its forerunner stage is three contacts reduced pressure overflow valve .This valve''''s rectum is 32mm,and its max regulated flow is 480L/min,the oil input port fixed working pressure is 31.5MPa, the output port fixed working pressure is 30.5MPa.
 As the design of electro-hydraulic proportional throttle valve design parameters to meet the requirements for : electro-hydraulic proportional throttle Path 32 mm, the largest volume of 480 L / min, the valve is large flow of high pressure valves, Today, the large flow range of high pressure areas, cartridge valves with flow capacity, seal performance and flexible assembly, has replaced the sliding valve structure has become the dominant area of control valve varieties. Therefore, in the design of the main throttle valve used cartridge-style structure, instead of the traditional slide-valve structure.
 Electro-hydraulic proportional control technology is a late start, but development is rapid, Application has been quite extensive Hydromechatronics Integrated Technology. Today, the electro-hydraulic proportional control technology with a series of advantages in industrial application has been quite common, and In the new system design and transformation of the old equipment is becoming an important user options, to enhance the technical expertise and equipment level, and the degree of automation equipment, playing an extremely important role.

Keyword: Electro-hydraulic proportional throttle valve; Cartridge valves; Proportion electro-magnet ratio electromagnet;Hydraulic

目  录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目  录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 电液比例阀概述 1
1.2 电液比例阀的特点与分类 1
1.3 电液比例阀的发展 2
1.4 电液比例技术在我国的发展 4
1.5 比例流量阀 4
1.5.1 比例流量阀分类(参见文献[1] 443-445页) 4
1.5.2 电液比例节流阀的分类 4
第二章 流量阀控制流量的一般原理 6
2.1 流量控制的基本原理 6
2.2 流量阀的控制方式 6
2.3 本设计中节流阀的参数 7
2.4 主阀阀芯节流口形式确定 7
第三章 比例节流阀结构设计 8
3.1 插装阀介绍 8
3.1.1 插装阀的组成 8
3.1.2 插装阀的优点 8
3.2 控制盖板的设计 9
3.3 插装式主阀设计 10
3.3.1 主阀阀套的设计 10
3.3.2 主阀阀芯的设计 12
3.3.3 插装式主阀面积比的确定 13
3.3.4 主阀阀芯的受力分析 15
3.4 先导阀设计 20
3.4.1 减压阀的分类(参见文献[2]146-147) 20
3.4.2 减压阀的工作原理 20
3.4.4 先导阀溢流部分的设计 25
3.4.5 先导阀的连接方式 26
3.4.6 先导阀的原理分析 27
3.5 弹簧的选用 28
3.5.1 主阀弹簧参数的确定: 28
3.5.2 先导阀弹簧参数的确定 28
3.6 公差与配合的确定 29
3.7 比例放大器 29
3.7.1 比例放大器的分类 30
3.7.2 电液比例控制元件对比例放大器的要求 30
3.7.3比例放大器的基本控制电路 31
3.8 比例电磁铁 32
3.8.1 电- 机械转换器分类 32
3.8.2 比例电磁铁 32
3.8.3 比例电磁铁的分类 32
3.8.4 比例电磁铁应满足的要求 33
3.8.5 比例电磁铁的结构 33
3.8.6 比例电磁铁的位移-力特性 34
3.8.7 比例电磁铁位移-力特性的实现原理 34
3.8.8 比例电磁铁电流-力特性 34
3.9 结构设计小结 35
第四章 节流阀工作原理分析及其性能参数指标 36
4.1原理分析 36
4.2 静态性能指标 37
4.3 动态性能指标 38
第五章 结论 39
参考文献 40
致谢 41

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