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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/25


机械设计制造及其自动化论文,论文编号:JX1221  论文字数:16760.页数:40

摘     要


关键词:减定径机  齿轮  轴承  改造  有限元分析

 With the development of modern industry,the level of mechanization and automation and continuous improvement in the industrial sector needs a large number of speed reducer,speed reducer and demands small size,light weight,large transmission ratio,high efficiency,carrying capacity,reliable operation and long life and so on.
 Reduction of high-speed wire rod mill gearbox sizing machines from Germany in 1988 is the introduction of SMS,the result of defective design,the stalls inside the gears and bearings gears,producing plastic indentation,life expectancy is only six months. In this paper, by sizing the drive transmission gear box gears, bearings for the transformation,the feasibility of programs and through theoretical calculation and finite element analysis tools to improve the current situation.
Keywords: Reducing and Sizing Mill   Bearing   Gear 
Finite Element Analysis   Transformation

目  录
第一章  绪论.1
 1.1 选题的背景和意义.....1
 1.2 课题研究意义和国内外研究情况..1
 1.2.1 课题的研究意义.....1
 1.2.2 国内外发展现状...1
 1.3 减定径机介绍3
 1.3.1 减定径机的背景.3
 1.3.2 减定径机的工艺特点......4
 1.3.3 目前主要存在的问题......5
第二章  高线减定径机传动齿轮箱缺陷分析...6
 2.1 概述.6
 2.2 设备实际使用现状.....7
 2.3 设备维修原因分析....11
 2.4 实际负荷情况分析....11
 2.5 必要性分析...13
第三章  减定径机轴承的理论计算...16
 3.1 轴承型号选择.16
 3.2 轴承定位方式确定....16
 3.3 改造轴承负荷校验....17
 3.3.1 改造前深沟球轴承负荷校验......17
 3.3.2 改造后圆锥滚子轴承负荷校验....18
 3.4 改造后轴承转速校验..19
 3.5 改造后轴承预紧......20
 3.5.1 预紧值的确定....20
 3.5.2 预紧结构设计....21
第四章  对主要零部件的三维造型及有限元分析.....22
  4.1三维造型软件-Autodesk inventor professional.....22
 4.2 主要部件三维造型....23
 4.2.1 斜齿轮的三维建模23
 4.2.2 轴承的三维建模..25
 4.3 有限元分析...27
第五章  设计总结...31

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