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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/25


机械设计制造及其自动化论文,论文编号:JX1312  论文字数:14370.页数:32 附开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译

摘   要
关键词:冲压模具 链条 自动送料机构          

 This paper research and analysis the die design on the basis of stamping die design which has been stamping die at home and abroad. At present the development of stamping die is the main bottleneck in the accuracy, life and assembling, how to improve these three areas is not only a significant increase productivity tests, but also the key to the paper. However, the three areas above related to a lot of knowledge, such as processing, material selection, structure design and the auxiliary equipment are all essential to the design process in-depth analysis.     The graduation project is to understand the chain of processing line, the chain of stamping die design principle, auto feeding structure design, like convex Die, Die Block, targeting guidance, unloading boards, stalk design. Automatic feeding structure design, including the expected separation of transmission, school-ping, Oiling, automatically sent, waste disposal these parts. Various agencies from the relay switch and control sensors connected to a smooth uniform automatically feed the request to meet the high-speed stamping.
Key words: stamping  die chain   automatic feeding structure

中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
 目录 III
第一章  绪论 1
 1.1 研究目的 1
 1.2 国内外现状 1
 1.3 冲压模具在链条行业运用现状 2
 1.4 本章小结 3
第二章 链条传动及其加工工艺 3
 2.1 链传动概念及其分类 3
 2.1.1 链传动的特点及应用 3
 2.1.2 链传动特点 3
 2.1.3 链传动的应用 4
 2.2 链条加工工艺 4
 2.3 链条失效形式及其原因分析 6
 2.3.1.链条疲劳破坏 6
 2.3.2. 链条铰链磨损 6
 2.3.3. 销轴与套筒之间胶合 6
 2.3.4.链条过载拉断 7
 2.3.5  链条扭曲 7
 2.4 链条冲压模具与链条质量的关系分析 7
 2.5 本章小结 7
第三章   链条零件模具设计 8
 3.1 模具结构介绍 8
 3.1.1 单工序模具结构特点 8
 3.1.2 复合模具结构特点 8
 3.1.3 级进模具结构特点 8
 3.2 工作原理 9
 3.3 模具各零件设计计算 10
 3.3.1  冲裁工艺与冲裁模设计 10
 3.3.2  冲裁间隙的确定 14
 3.3.3  冲裁模工作部分的设计计算 15
 3.3.4  重要零部件尺寸设计 19
 3.3.5  冲裁排样设计 19
 3.4 模具改进部分分析 21
 3.4.1 旧模具简单介绍 21
 3.4.2 新模具与旧模具对比 21
 3.4.3 优势体现与发展前景 21
 3.5本章小结 21
第四章 条料自动送料机构设计 21
 4.1 目前送料方式介绍 21
 4.2 提出新方案 22
 4.3 本章小结 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 26

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