机械设计制造及其自动化论文,论文编号:JX1288 论文字数:14998.页数:53
摘 要
关键词:逆向工程 imageware软件 手机外壳点云
Along with the rapid development of computer technology, especially the reverse engineering in the industry has been widely used. In order to solve the phone shape design cycle long difficulties, this paper studies the appearance of mobile phones in reverse engineering, modelling methods, and reverse engineering systems. Do Imageware mainly used in reverse engineering, is the most famous reverse engineering software, widely used in designing and manufacturing. Based on a detailed introduction imageware software for mobile appearance of reverse engineering, cell phone casing point cloud, extracting characteristic curve, the formation of surface fitting, surface fitting for error analysis, adjust the surface, suitable for construction, and finally, error analysis.
Key words: Reverse engineering Imageware software cell phone casing point cloud
目 录
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目录 iii
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 逆向工程的内涵与意义 1
1.2 逆向工程的关键技术 2
1.3 逆向工程的应用领域和发展趋势 3
第二章 数据获取方法 4
2.1 逆向工程测量技术 4
2.2 数据的测量 4
2.3 数据的预处理 5
2.4 曲面重建 7
第三章 逆向工程软件 10
3.1 Imageware 10
3.2 Catia 10
3.3 Rapid Form 10
3.4 Copy cad 11
3.5 Geomagic Studio 11
第四章 建立手机盖外形实例 12
4.1 引言 12
4.2 手机盖逆向工程开发流程 12
4.3 imageware点云数据处理 12
第五章 总结 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33
图纸 A-2