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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/25


材料成型及控制工程论文,论文编号:JX1419  论文字数:13220.页数:44  CAD图


关键词:铸造工艺;模拟;C950齿轮箱盖; 缺陷; 分析

 Sprue, cold iron casting process design is the key to the working parts, and manufacturing due to its design and calculation of the pros and cons related to the quality of the product. In order to reduce the risk of casting design and manufacturing costs, industrialized countries like Japan, Germany, the United States, before the casting manufacturing, usually using specialized engineering software for analysis and calculation of the runner, predict casting production process may have defects in order to modify the gating system and the time to select the correct parameters.
 C950 Gear box for the column in this paper.firstly,Describing the process of C950 Gearbox design.process parameters design,gating system design,cold iron design,casting defect analysis and so on.secondly,The simulation of Anycasting software were described in the application process of no cold iron and cold iron.Production will be in the different of cast iron process when the process of filling and solidifcation defects produced by conventional forecast.Software post-processing module can directly predict the gas bag volume casting production,the distribution of defects such as skrinkage.To predict casting defects can help improving the casting process,Saving trial costs,improving the quality of products.
Keywords: Process;Simulation;C950Gearbox;Defects;Analysis

第一章    绪 论....1
 1.1 铸造定义...1
 1.2 铸造工艺概况......1
 1.3 我国铸造工艺趋势..1
 1.4 砂型铸造过程简介..2
 1.5 本文研究的主要内容3
第二章   C950齿轮箱盖的工艺设计..4
 2.1 铸造工艺参数......4
       2.1.1 铸造收缩率...4
       2.1.2 机械加工余量.4
       2.1.3 起模斜度.....4
       2.1.4 分型面的确定.5
 2.2 砂芯设计...5
       2.2.1 砂芯设计基本原则....5
       2.2.2 垂直砂芯.....5
       2.2.3 芯头长度.....5
       2.2.4 芯头斜度与间隙......6
 2.3 浇注系统尺寸的设计6
       2.3.1 确定浇注时间.9
       2.3.2 确定浇注系统截面比..9
       2.3.3 计算浇注系统截面积..9
 2.4 冷铁设计和铸件缺陷......11
       2.4.1 冷铁的分类和作用...11
       2.4.2 冷铁大小设计12
        2.4.3 铸件的缺陷..12
 2.5 铸造尺寸和重量偏差......13
        2.5.1 灰铸铁件尺寸偏差...13
        2.5.2 灰铸铁件重量偏差...13
 2.6 设计砂型吃砂量...14
 2.7 砂箱设计..14
 2.8 制作工艺卡16
 第三章  软件Anycasting的模拟过程和分析19
     3.1 铸造软件Anycasting的介绍......19
     3.2 Anycasting模拟过程......20
     3.3 Anycasting模拟结果分析..33
     3.4 铸件凝固过程分析.35
     3.5 本章小节..36
 第四章 结 论......37
 致    谢...39
 附录A  零件图纸11份

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