论文编号:JD901 字数:10814,页数:34
Based on GSM network wireless LED billboard
Abstract: The article has designed a wireless LED billboard system, based on the existing GSM network, with AT89S52 as the core control components, which is made up of wireless data-transmission chip nRF2401. The system can upload the information received to VB language program by means of the serial port so as to filter information and carry on the data storage and management with the database technology. In this way, it realizes the flexibility Changes of the contents of the billboard and display mode, as well as statistics and analysis in commercial information.
Key words: GSM Network; nRF2401; database; graphics dot-matrix; AT command
目 录
1 引言 1
2 系统的功能和基本原理 2
2.1 系统的功能 2
2.2 系统基本原理与方案选择 2
3 系统硬件设计 4
3.1 主控制器AT89S52的功能特点 4
3.2 GSM短信接收模块 8
3.3 无线数传电路 11
3.4 串行接口电路 12
3.5 点阵屏显示与控制电路 14
3.6 硬件总体电路 16
4 系统软件设计 18
4.1 上位机程序设计 18
4.2 无线发射接收子程序 21
4.3 点阵屏显示程序 22
5 调试 23
6 结束语 26
参考文献 27
附录 28
谢辞 30