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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD900     字数:19746,页数:49

 摘  要
 随着社会的发展,自动控制越来越成为人们关注的焦点,自动调节电阻炉温度系统也备受关注。其中微机及其应用已经成为高、新科学技术的重要内容和标志之一,它在国民经济的各个领域正在发挥着引人注目的作用。微机控制的电阻炉温度控制系统实际上就是一个智能控制系统,是一种能耗相对来说比较低的温度控制系统。本人采用AT89C51单片微机对电阻炉的加热过程进行控制。使用热电偶作为温度传感器把热信号转变成电信号,电信号再经过放大,经过模数转换再输入到CPU。控制器采用PID控制算法,温度控制的原理是通过调整晶闸管的导通时间来调节加热主回路的有效电压,从而达到温度控制的目的。系统由AT89C51单片微机、温度传感器、A/D转换器、键盘及显示电路、晶闸管触发电路等组成的控制器和被控对象电阻炉构成一个闭环控制系统。系统控制程序采用模块化设计结构,主要包括主程序、中断服务子程序、控制算法子程序等。系统采用过零触发等技术,省去了传统的D/A转换元件,简化了电路,并且提高了系统的可靠性。同时,系统可以实时控制电阻炉的实际温度。关键词 :AT89C51; 热电偶; 晶闸管; PID
 With the development of the society,the autocontrol becomes more and more important.The autocontrol of the resistance furnace is highly anticipated.Microcomputer and its application has become one of the most important contents and signs in the field of High-scientific technology and new scientific technology, which plays an attractive role in every field in our national economy.As a matter of fact, Resistance Temperature Control System which is operated by microcomputer is an Intellectual Control System.In other words,it is a Temperature Control System which consumes less than others.The AT89C51 single microcomputer is adopted to control the heating process of resistance,use as a temperature transducer to turn the heating single into electing single,enlarge the electrical single,transformed through simulate numbers,then input CPU.Controllers use PID control calculation.The principle of temperature control is to adjust and heat the effective voltage of the main circuit through regulate the diversified time of transistor,therefore,it carries out the purpose of controlling the temperature.System as controlled resistance makes up an cycle control system.Control procedure of system adopts the structure of designing module,including main procedure,subsiding of suspending serves and subsidiary of control calculation etc.System adopt A.C、passes through zero etc technologies,omit traditional D/A transform components,simplify the circuit,and improve the dependability of system.Meanwhile,system also can control the real temperature of resistance at the right moment.Keywords: AT89C51; thermocouple; thyristor; PID
目    录

1 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 本文的主要内容 3
2 电阻炉温度控制系统总体设计方案 5
2.1系统原理 5
2.2 系统方案的论证 6
3 系统硬件设计 8
3.1 温度检测电路 8
3.1.1 热电偶冷端温度补偿 9
3.1.2 测量放大电路 9
3.1.3 保护电路 10
3.2 单片机的选型 11
3.3 EEPROM存储器的扩展设计 12
3.4 A/D转换电路设计 14
3.4.1隔离放大器的设计 16
3.4.2 DAC7521数模转换接口 17
3.5 键盘及显示电路设计 18
3.5.1 键盘接口电路设计 18
3.5.2 显示电路设计 20
3.6 可控硅调功控温 20
3.6.1 过零触发调功器的组成 20
3.6.2 可控硅调功主要电路介绍 22
3.7 与上位机通信模块 23
3.7.1 通信接口MAX485 24
3.7.2 下位机通信接口电路 25
3.8 掉电检测与保护电路 26
3.9 晶闸管过零检测与触发电路 27
3.10 看门狗电路的设计 28
4 控制算法研究 31
4.1 传统的PID算法 31
4.2 积分分离PID算法 32
4.3 系统仿真分析 33
5 系统软件设计 36
5.1 系统主程序设计 36
5.2 系统的控制程序 38
5.3 积分分离PID控制 40
5.4 采样子程序 40
6 结论 42
致谢 43
参考文献 44
附录 45

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