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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD883  附开题报告,任务书,外文翻译,论文字数:16869,页数:34

摘 要: 频率信号是电气工作者经常要用到的重要物理量之一,常常需要对其进行高精度的测量。随着现代电子技术和科学基础研究的发展,频率的测量在科学技术各领域中占据着越来越重要的地位。近年来国内外的频率测频标准的准确度和稳定度提高很快,应用范围也更加广泛,但是对高准确度和稳定度频率信号的测量和比对技术的精度还不能满足要求。目前我国在国防和空间技术的巨大进步,对更精细的频率测量与处理也提出了更高的要求,但是频率测量还是存在运算量大,难以实时实现的问题。


Method of high-precision frequency measurement for signals

Abstract:Frequency is one of the important physical parameter used frequently, and need to be measured in highaccuracy generally.with the development of modern electronic technilogy and scientific base research, Frequency measurement are becoming more and more important in various fields of science and technology. In recent years, both at home and abroad, the accuracy and stability of frequency standard has benn improved rapidly,with more extensive scope of application. But the measurement and comparison technology of frequency signal with high accuracy and stability can not meet the requirenments yet. At present, along with the tremendous progress in China’s national defense and space technology, more precise measurement and processing of frequency are also required, but frequency measurement still   have the problem of computing a large quantity and difficult to achieve real-time
     A simple effective frequency estimation method is proposed using cubic convolution.
(1)This method needs only six data calculated by DFT.The performances of the method is illustrated by computer simulations.
(2)Given the values on discrete points, which means a function of the value of Y, corresponding to the point value set X, is known,  construct an analytic function (its graph is a curve) through these points, and the values between these points can be calculated.

Key words: interpolation polynomial ;frequency estimation ;signal processing

摘要  Ⅰ
目次  Ⅲ
1绪论  1
1.1 引言  1
1.2课题的研究背景及发展  1
1.2.1 课题背景  1
1.2.2 国内外现状  1
1.3 MATLAB概述  3
1.4 论文的工作概述  4
2 频率测试介绍  5
2.1频率测量信号参数及变换方法  5
2.2现有的测频方法介绍  5
2.2.1 普通测频方法  5
2.2.2 最新测频方法  7
2.3 本章小结  7
3 六点拟合法设计  9
3.1 拟合法简介  9
3.1.1 广义的拟合  9
3.1.2 六点拟合法  9
3.2 六点拟合法算法设计  9
3.2.1 设计简述  9
3.2.2 取样与插值函数  10
3.2.3 分段多项式插值函数  11
3.2.4 约束条件的确定  11
3.2.5 频率值得求取  12
3.3 算法流程图  12
3.4 matlab仿真  13
3.4.1 主体思路的编写  13
3.4.2 插值函数的编写  14
3.4.2 编程小结  15
3.4.4 测频性能分析  15
3.5 本章小结  16
4 一维插值法设计  17
4.1 插值法简介  17
4.1.1 广义的插值  17
4.1.2 一维插值法  17
4.1.3 三次样条插值  18
4.2 matlab仿真程序编写  18
4.2.1 取样与频谱图  18
4.2.2 插值的计算  19
4.2.3 频率值的求取  20
4.2.4 程序的调试  20
4.3 其他一维插值法  22
4.3.1 通用程序介绍  22
4.3.2 测频性能分析  26
4.4 插值与拟合的比较  27
4.5 本章小结  27
5  结论  29
致谢  30
参考文献  31
附录  32

  • 上一篇资讯: 智能物业管理器的设计
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