论文编号:WL226 论文字数:18382,页数:28
摘 要
关键词:区域物流、城市物流、SWOT分析、 战略选择
As the logistics industry rapidly rise in China, medium and small cities has been the development of logistics, the accelerating process of urbanization, modern urban logistics have increasingly shown the efficient distribution of commodities, the role of local governments in planning and development of the urban economy are also increasingly aware of the importance of the development of urban logistics. However, China''''s logistics sector for many years on regional logistics and business logistics research more, and the city logistics has been tottering on the brink of logistics, urban logistics is faced with a low starting point, technological backwardness, mismanagement, waste of resources and other common problem, the development of city logistics still need government and business efforts. This paper based on analyzing the concept of regional logistics and urban logistics and its value, researching into the relationship between regional logistics and urban logistics, analyzing the impact on Yulin by the development and planning of logistics of Gulf region and the Pan-Pearl River Delta,and using the SWOT analysis to discuss the advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges in the development of modern logistics in Yulin,point out the development of modern logistics strategic choices.
KEYWORDS:Regional logistics,urban logistics,SWOT analysis, strategic choices
第一章 引言 1
第一节 国内外城市物流研究状况 1
第二节 选题的背景与意义 2
第二章 区域物流与城市物流发展的相互关系 4
第一节 区域物流的内涵与特征 4
第二节 城市物流的内涵 5
第三节 城市物流与区域物流的相互关系 6
第三章 玉林现代物流发展现状 8
第一节 玉林现代物流发展宏观环境 8
一、北部湾和泛珠江三角洲对玉林物流的影响 8
二、现代物流发展的宏观政策 9
三、现代物流发展经济环境 9
第二节 玉林下属县区物流的发展 9
第三节 玉林市发展现代物流所面临的挑战 10
一、 基础设施落后, 其建设缺乏统一规划和准确定位 10
二、 信息化程度低, 管理手段陈旧 10
三、 物流专业技术人才匮乏, 从业人员素质偏低 11
四、 经营模式小而全, 规模化的现代物流难以形成 11
五、 法律规范缺失, 体制环境欠佳 11
第四章 玉林发展现代物流的SWOT分析及战略选择 13
第一节 SWOT矩阵简介 13
第二节 城市状况分析 13
一、内部优势分析 13
二、内部劣势分析 14
三、外部机会分析 15
四、外部威胁分析 15
第三节 玉林发展现代物流的SWOT战略选择 16
第四节 玉林发展现代物流的对策 16
一、政府管理层面 16
二、企业管理层面 18
第五章 结束语 20
第一节 结论 20
第二节 本论文的局限性 20
参考文献 22
致谢 24