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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/09/27


论文编号:WL253  论文字数:26042,页数:37

摘  要


 The infant formula industry is the most potential and develops quickest in China food industry. Since it''''s not a the high technology to produce milk powder, and there''''s no significant differences in taste and quality, the sole price competition among enterprises leads to lower and lower profits. And nowadays the competition in milk powder market becomes more and more fierce, and changes fast, enterprises are unable to keep advantages in every business, they have to focus their resources and energy on the core business, in which way they maintain advantage and keep moving. Therefore, some infant formula enterprises regard logistics outsourcing as an important part of their logistics strategy.

 Firstly this paper presents an introduction of the current status of the milk powder industry to figure out the importance of logistics outsourcing to milk powder enterprises. Secondly, studies relevant theories and methods of logistics outsourcing, introduces several basic concepts of it and analyzes its advantages and disadvantages. Thirdly, analyzes the current status and problems of logistics outsourcing of milk powder enterprises, and propose logistics outsourcing management strategy for milk powder enterprises. And then analyzes T company, studies logistics outsourcing strategy with practices. Finally, comes up with a conclusion that the key problem of logistics outsourcing is how to lower the risks for maximum, gain more cost and competition advantages, in which way strengthens core competitive

KEYWORDS:Logistics in infant formula enterprise, Logistics outsourcing, Logistics management strategy  
第一章 引言 1
第一节 课题研究的背景及意义 1
第二节 课题研究的内容和方法 2
第二章 物流外包的文献综述 4
第三章 物流外包相关概念和理论以及奶粉企业物流外包管理现状 6
第一节 物流外包的相关概念 6
第二节 物流外包相关管理理论 8
第三节 奶粉企业物流外包管理现状 13
第四章 奶粉企业物流外包管理决策方法及实例分析 17
第一节 奶粉企业物流外包策略研究 17
第二节 实例分析 25
第三节 企业实施物流外包管理的策略 27
第四节 物流外包服务商选择 28
第五章 总结和展望 32
第一节 总结 32
第二节 展望 32
【参考文献】 33
致谢 34

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