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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/09/27


论文编号:WL313  论文字数:21182,页数:38

摘  要


 The logistics plays a significant role during the economic globalization. To modern logistics, information is the key factor in the future logistics competition, and information technology is the core technology in the modern logistics development. The logistics development around the world tells us that the development of logistics informationization should be put in the major position of district logistics’ development. The informationization of modern logistics enterprises adapts to the economic globalization and market integration. The enterprises react to logistics market and reallocate resources quickly with informationization method and modern mode, making the logistics、 fund flow and information flow integrate into the optimalizing management mode and innovation.
 Most of China’s logistics enterprises are small and medium-sized, who are not conscious and capable of conducting logistics information with information technology. The article takes Wenzhou Yunda logistics company as an example to analyze its operation mode and make the bottleneck problem clear in informationization construction. According to the author’s professional knowledge numerous documents, the author will design an information environment suitable to small and medium-sized logistics enterprises to optimize private costs and interests.

KEYWORDS:Small and medium-sized logistics enterprises, logistics
informationization, logistics technology, current situation and improve-

目   录
第一章 引 言 1
 第一节 选题背景与意义 1
 第二节 研究的方法 2
 第三节 研究的主要内容 2
第二章 物流信息化基本理论 4
 第一节 物流信息化的概念 4
 第二节 物流信息化对中小物流企业的意义 4
 第三节 现代物流信息化技术 6
第三章 我国中小物流企业信息化现状 8
 第一节  企业物流信息化层次 8
 第二节 我国中小物流企业信息化状况 8
3.2.1 我国中小物流企业简介 8
3.2.2 我国中小物流企业信息化现状 9
第四章 温州市远大物流有限公司信息化优化 12
 第一节 公司简介 12
 第二节 远大物流信息化现状 13
4.2.1 远大物流业务流程 13
4.2.2 远大物流信息化现状 13
 第三节 远大物流信息化的优化 21
4.3.1 远大物流信息系统存在的问题 21
4.3.2 远大物流信息系统优化策略 23
4.3.3  对远大新系统实施可行性分析 29
第五章  总 结 31
 第一节 对新系统的评价 31
 第二节 我国中小物流企业信息化建设策略 31
参考文献 34
致    谢 35

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