论文编号:WL292 论文字数:15952,页数:31
关键词:物流成本、运输成本、作业成本法 、ERP 、逆向物流
This article mainly as an example of the new logistics costs of logistics and transport analysis. In China''''s accession to the WTO, the logistics industry is one of the first businesses open. Foreign logistics companies to the large influx of the logistics industry in China have an enormous impact, coupled with the financial crisis swept through, China''''s logistics industry is facing bottlenecks in development. In this context, many scholars have made the control of logistics costs in-depth study and made many valuable suggestions. In this paper, the logistics of the new business processes and transportation costs calculated in detail the methods of investigation and research and analysis, Look through a number of cost control on the logistics and transport-related theoretical research ,and then in the logistics of the new ERP implementation environment, the use of reverse logistics to carry out the thinking on planning and thinking of using the operating cost of the transport costs optimization.
The full text is divided into four parts with the first part of the theory are relevant to the study of literature; the second part is a brief description of the status of the new logistics; The third part is the cost of logistics and transport for the control of the new analysis and optimization of the recommendations put forward their own .
KEYWORDS: logistics cost,transportation cost,Activity-Based Costing,Enterprise Resource Planning ,Reverse Logistics
第一章 引言 1
第一节 选题背景 1
第二节 选题意义 2
第二章 物流运输成本控制的相关研究 3
第一节 物流运输成本的概述 3
一、物流运输成本的概念及构成 3
二、目前物流运输成本控制相关理论 3
第二节ERP在物流管理中的应用研究 4
一、ERP的概念 4
二、ERP系统的物流管理模块 4
第三节 作业成本法在物流管理中的应用研究 5
一、作业成本法的定义及基本原理 5
二、作业成本法在物流企业的应用模式 6
三、ERP环境下的作业成本法适用性分析 7
第四节 逆向物流的相关研究 9
一、逆向物流的概念 9
二、逆向物流的作用 9
第三章 新安物流现状简介 11
第一节 新安物流简介 11
第二节 新安物流运输现状 11
一、管理营运流程 11
二、运输流程 14
第三节 新安物流运输成本核算的内容与方法 15
第四章 新安物流运输成本的分析及优化建议 17
第一节 新安物流运输成本控制存在的问题 17
一、运输方案优化的忽视 17
二、缺乏整体的供应链观 17
第二节 ERP环境下新安物流运输成本控制分析 18
一、实行ERP新安物流运营环境的分析 18
二、逆向物流的整体规划 18
三、用作业成本法对新安物流运输成本控制进行分析 19
第三节 新安物流运输成本的优化建议 20
第五章 总结与展望 25
第一节 总结 25
第二节 展望 25
【参考文献】 26
致 谢 27