论文编号:WL309 论文字数:15813,页数:35
摘 要
在制造业中,由于设备、交货期限和制造过程等复杂的条件限制,企业的设施布局更改比较困难。不良的设施规划将会增加物料搬运成本,无效的生产以及重新布局时所需要的大量成本。因此, 企业的设施规划已经成为企业最关心的问题之一,本文依据设施规划理论对工厂设施优化作了系统分析和研究。
In the manufacturing industry, due to the restrictions of complex condition, such as equipment, delivery time and the manufacturing process and so on, it is much more difficult to have change on enterprise restriction. some ill Facility Layout will increase the material transit cost, invalid production and mass cost in restriction .Thus ,enterprise facility layout has become one of the most important problem. This paper has analyzed and researched on optimization of company facility according to facilities planning theory.
Shenying kitchen factory is a manufacturing which concluds professional designing, production, sales of kitchen tools. As with many private enterprises, in the market competition, the company''''s management and production reveales many problems. According to the actual conditions and demand of the enterprise, together with the pre-observation and preliminary analysis of the logistics activities,using the SLP method which is the mainstream method in Logistics System Analysis and Facility Plan to analyse its production process of logistics. I decided to keep the original area,through the re-layout of the facilities of the factory floor to improve the production logistics of the factory.
KEYWORDS:Facilities Planning, Logistics Analysis,SLP (Systematic Layout Planning)
目 录
第一章 引言 1
第一节 选题背景 1
第二节 选题意义 2
第二章 物流设施规划与设计的相关研究 3
第一节 物流设施规划与设计概述 3
一、物流设施规划与设计的概念 3
二、物流设施规划与设计的目标、原则 3
第二节 国内外物流设施规划设计的方法概述 4
第三节SLP在物流设施规划设计中的应用研究 5
一、SLP的原理 5
二、SLP具体运作流程 6
第三章 浙江永康神鹰灶具现状简介 10
第一节 神鹰灶具简介 10
第二节 灶具的工艺流程介绍 10
一、公司主要工艺流程流程设置 10
二、燃气具加工工艺过程 12
三、SLP具体运作流程公司物流设施布置现存问题的概述 13
四、公司物流线路存在的主要问题 13
第四章 神鹰灶具物流设施规划的分析与优化建议 15
第一节 设施布置分析与优化建议 15
一、物流分析 15
二、非物流分析 17
三、综合相互关系分析 19
四、方案评价与选择 25
第二节 物流设施改进后物流线路分析 27
第五章 总结与展望 30
第一节 总结 30
第二节 展望 30
【参考文献】 31
致 谢 32