论文编号:HL146 论文字数:14291.页数:25
摘 要
目的:急诊护士压力分析及对策的研究主要目的在于探讨急诊护士了解急诊护士工作压力及心理压力产生的原因, 评估急诊科护士工作压力及心理健康程度,描述急诊科护士压力状况及不同压力源类型,并对产生压力的原因进行分析,分析急诊科护士心理健康程度与急诊科护士心理压力的相关性,提出缓解急诊护士压力的建议。
结果:急诊护士SCL-90各因子分值与健康成人(P<0.05)无显著性差异,表明急诊护士心理健康水平正常。但急诊护士工作压力状况显示,79.2%的急诊护士感到压力较大或很大,工作疲溃感,其中30-39岁年龄段急诊护士心理压力最大,40-49岁年龄段急诊护士心理压力相对较小。导致她们心理压力的原因主要为: 担心出现护理纠纷和差错事故;工作责任重、劳动强度大;多种有害因子;知识技能压力;工作环境的复杂特殊性;精神极度紧张;护患沟通的复杂性;缺乏社会支持和管理层的重视。结论:通过对107名急诊科护士心理健康状况及工作压力调查,分析出急诊科护士心理健康状况良好,但在工作方面存在一定的压力, 急诊科护士是抢救患者的直接执行者,时间就是生命,在最短的时间内,以最快的速度,最熟练的抢救措施配合医生抢救患者生命。高强度工作压力会使护士产生工作疲劳,感觉紧张忧郁,应积极采取应对措施,减轻急诊科护士的心理压力。
关 键 词:急诊科;护士;工作压力;心理压力;对策
Title: Emergency nurses analysis and Countermeasures
Objective: emergency nurses analysis and countermeasures research aims to explore the emergency nurses'''' understanding of emergency nurses'''' working pressure and psychological pressure causes, assessment of emergency department nurses work pressure and mental health of nurses in emergency department, to describe the stress status and different pressure source type, and the cause of stress analysis, analysis of emergency department nurses the extent of mental health of nurses in emergency department and psychological stress of nurses in emergency department, put forward to alleviate pressure recommendations.
Methods: emergency nurses'''' stress analysis and Countermeasure for descriptive study, using emergency room nurse SCL-90 each factor and Chinese adult often die for comparison and nurse job stressors scale, using the method of questionnaire survey in Tianjin city, three general hospitals of different age, different titles in different degree, the 116 operation room nurses investigation.
Results: the emergency nurse SCL-90 each factor score and adult health ( P < 0.05 ) without significant differences, showed normal levels of mental health of nurses in emergency department. But the emergency nurses'''' working pressure status display, 79.2% emergency nurses feel the pressure of large or great, job burnout, which 30-39 age of emergency nurses'''' mental stress maximum, 40-49 age of emergency nurses'''' mental stress is relatively small. Because of their psychological pressure of the main reasons is: fear of nursing disputes and mistakes and accidents; working responsibility heavy, large labor intensity; a variety of harmful factor; knowledge and skills; work environment complicated particularity; spirit is exceeding and nervous; nurse-patient communication complexity; lack of social support and management attention.
Conclusion: according to the 107 emergency nurses mental health status and work pressure survey, analysis of the psychological health state of emergency nurses in the work is good, but there exist certain pressure, emergency nurses is rescuing a patient with the direct executant, time is life, in the shortest possible time, the fastest speed, the most skilled rescue measures with the doctors rescue patients life. Work pressure will make nurses feel nervous fatigue, depression, should be adopted actively answer measure, reduce emergency department nurses'''' mental stress.
Off key words: emergency department; nurse; job stress; psychological stress; countermeasure
TYPE OF THESIS:Applied Research
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的及目标 2
1.3 关键词及定义………………………………………………………………………2
1.4 文献回顾……………………………………………………………………………3
1.4.1 急诊科护士工作压力及心理压力现状…………………………………….3
1.4.2 急诊科护士压力源………………………………………………………….4
2 研究方法 7
2.1 研究设计 7
2.2 研究对象 7
2.3 研究工具/方法……………………………………………………………...………7
2.4 研究步骤……………………………………………………………………………7
2.5 统计学分析方法……………………………………………………………………8
3 研究结果 9
3.1 一般资料 9
3.2. 急诊科护士心理健康水平 9
4 讨论 11
4.1 急诊科护士心理健康程度 11
4.2. 急诊科护士压力状况 11
4.2.1 护理专业及工作方面……………………………… ……………… ….. 11
4.2.2 工作量及时间分配问题………………………………………………… 11
4.2.3 环境及资源方面的问题…………………………………………… ……12
4.2.4 患者护理方面的问题…………………………………………………… 12
4.2.5 管理及人际关系方面的问题…………………………………………….12
5 推论及建议 13
5.1 推论 13
5.2 建议
5.2.1 疏导情绪…………………………… ……………………………………..13
5.2.2 强化急诊科护士执业意识和技能教育…………………………………...13
5.2.3 提高自身保护意识…………………………………...................................13
5.2.4 改善人际关系培养良好的心里素质 14
5.2.5 护理管理者的支持 14
致 谢 15
参考文献 17
附 录 19