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论文编号:HL226 论文字数:8653,页数:19

摘 要
 本文选择了2007年7月-2008年6月符合WHO(1997年) 糖尿病诊断标准的糖尿病病人102例。将102例患者按l:1随机分为试验组与对照组,各51例,两组均采取常规治疗方法,试验治疗组入院后采用集中讲课、个体指导的方法对病人进行饮食干预,重在使病人在住院期间掌握糖尿病的饮食原则、食物交换份、食物的选择及搭配,同时加以饮食护理干预,同时邀请患者亲属参与试验组饮食治疗过程,记录两组的复查指标,复查指标包括空腹血糖、餐后2h血糖、血脂四项(TG、Tch、HDL - C、LDL - C),对比分析各项指标。
1.治疗前后空腹血糖变化,对照组和治疗组两组比较有显著性差异( P < 0. 05) 。
2.治疗前后餐后2h血糖变化,对照组和治疗组两组比较有显著性差异( P < 0. 05) 。
3.本组治疗前后TG、Tch、HDL - C、LDL - C变化值比较,两组比较有显著性差异( P < 0. 05)。
  Title: Diet nursing of the diabetes mellitus and correlated study
Except for cancer and cardiovascular disease, diabetes has become the third largest chronic diseases that threaten human health. Controlling blood glucose level is the basic and ultimate goal in the view of medical and nursing service, and it is the only method which can prevent the process of pathology and complications of diabetes. It is good for the long-term blood glucose control that adopting the proper diet plan for diabetic patients. For all types of diabetes care, diet is the most basic treatment measure. Reasonably controling diet can reduce the load of islet β-cells that will help to control blood glucose level, and it’s very significant to control diabetes onset. Therefore, efforts should be made to increase publicity and education of diabetes, especially the role of diet on diabetes occurrence and development. Through diet’s care management, requiring the patients’ diet to meet timing, quantitative, low salt, low fat, low cholesterol and high vitamin, so that decreasing diabetes incidence rate, further enhancing the quality of life of residents, reducing the financial burden on families, and reducing or delaying the occurrence of diabetes chronic complications.
Our purpose is to study the influence of the diet construction after diet nursing care in type 2 diabetes patients in order to find a more effective way to control blood glucose.
A total number of 102 patients who met WHO diabetes diagnostic criteria were selected between July 2007 and June 2008. Patients were randomly divided into two groups. A routine treatment were conducted in both groups. Experiment group used the methods of centralized lectures and individual guidance,and the patients diet will be intervened at the same time. Relatives of the patients were invited to participate the dietary treatment process. Reexam items ,which included fasting blood glucose, 2h postprandial glucose, TG,Tch,HDL – C,LDL - C of the two groups, were recorded and analyzed.
There was a statistical significance in all items(fasting blood glucose, 2h postprandial glucose, TG,Tch,HDL – C,LDL - C) between experiment group and control group after treatment ( P < 0. 05).
Diet nursing care is an important part of diabetes treatment, through the clinical intervention in diabetes patients diet, the patient had mastered the knowledge of diet, could control blood glucose well, enhance the quality of life of patients, delay the occurrence of diabetes chronic complications.
KEY WORDS: Diabetes;Diet;Nursing
TYPE OF THESIS: Application Research

目  录
1前言 1
 1.1研究背景及意义 1
 1.2研究目的及目标 1
 1.2.1研究目的 1
 1.2.2研究目标 1
 1.3关键词及定义 2
     1.3.1糖尿病 2
     1.3.2护理 2
 1.4文献回顾 2
2研究设计和方法 5
 2.1研究对象 5
 2.2 一般资料 5
 2.3 研究方法 5
 2.4研究步骤 5
 2.5资料分析 7
3研究结果 8
 3.1两组空腹血糖比较 8
 3.2两组餐后2h血糖比较 8
 3.3两组TG、Tch、HDL - C、LDL - C比较 12
4讨论 11
 4.1饮食疗法对糖尿病患者有明显的治疗作用 12
 4.2本次研究中的糖尿病饮食疗法总体分析 13
 4.3本次研究中的糖尿病饮食疗法糖尿病患者分析 14
 4.4本次研究中的糖尿病饮食疗法患者支持系统分析 14
 4.5本次研究中的糖尿病饮食疗法护理人员分析 13
5推论及建议 15
 5.1推论 15
 5.2不足和建议 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17

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