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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 13/09/11
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姚念庚,范兵 英汉翻译论稿 沈阳:辽宁大学出版社,1987
尤金 奈达著 奈达论翻译 谭载喜编译 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1993
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Baker,Mona. Routledge Encyclopaedia of Translation Studies. London. Routledge,1998
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Bassnett,Susan. Translation Studies(Revised Edition). Methuuen Co.Ltd,1988
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Newmark,P.P. Approaches to Translation.Pergamon,Oxford,1982
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Schaffner,Christian and Kelley-Holmes,Helen.Ed.Cultural Functions of Translation.Multilingual Matters Ltd,1995
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Alderson,F.C.,C.Clapham,and D.Wall.Language Test Construction and Evaluation.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1995
Bachman,L.Fundanental Considerations in Language Testing.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1983
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Brown,H.D.Princioles of Language Learning and Teaching.(3rd ed.)New Jersey:Prentice Hall,1994
Carrel,P.C.,Devine,J,&D.E.Eskey(eds.) Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading.Cambridge University Press
Coady,J.&T.Huckin. (eds.). Second Language Vocabulary Acquisrion.Camvridge:Cambridge University Press,1997
Ellis,R. Understanding Second Language Acquistion.Oxford:Oxfod University Press,1985
Ellis,R. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford:Oxfod University Press,1994
Gardener,R.C.&W.E.Lambert.Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning.Rowley:Mass:Newbury House,1972
Gardener,R.C.Social Psychology and Second Language Learning:The Role of Attitudes and Motivation.Longman:Edward Arnold Ltd.,1985
Hinkel,E.(ed.). Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1999
Hughes,A. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1989
James,C. Errors in Language Learning and Use. New York:Longman,1998
Johnson,K.E. Understanding Communicative Language Classrooms. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1995
Krashen,S. Principles and Pracrice
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