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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 17/03/06


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从《走出非洲》解读凯伦比里克森的思想魅力 提纲,如需要全文,须联系QQ3710167定做
Karen Blixen’s Thought Charm Analysis of Out of Afric

As a famous writer in Danish, Isak Denisen creates many famous works in her life. Out of Africa, it takes the form of autobiographical novel and represents a touching love story which happened on the African savannah. We can go deep into the research of Isak’s thought. This article discusses the heroine’s personality, pursuit and the great change as well, which reveal both Isak’s lost of subject consciousness and the re-established of subject consciousness. Besides, we can see her perseverance and love of life. 
Keywords: subject consciousness, lost, re-established, perseverance.


Karen Blixen’s Thought Charm Analysis of Out of Afric


Thesis Statement:  By analyzing heroine character, this essay tells that a woman should be clear life values and it combined with writers personal life and social background.

I.  Introduction
II.The Lost of Subject Consciousness.
Theory of Subject Consciousness
Introduction of Out of Africa.
III.Analysis of Karen in Out of Africa.
Karen’s Vanity.
B.  Her Persistence and bravery. 
IV.The Significance of Karen’s Subject Consciousness 
Writer’s Life Experiences
The Impact of Society on Isak Denisen
V.  Conclusion

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