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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 发布时间: 09/12/19


  A Study on Chinese Translation of English News from Register Perspective

  【摘要】 随着全球一体化进程的加快,国际间的交流越来越频繁,大量信息需要通过新闻媒体进行传递。英语新闻以其特有的方式,高效快速地将信息呈现给人们,成为我们了解世界的一种重要渠道。英语新闻汉译在中西方交流中起到举足轻重的作用,因此英语新闻的汉译研究具有重要意义。语域理论是系统功能语言学的一部分,该理论已经被应用到包括翻译研究在内的许多研究领域。在翻译过程中,译者应使译文再现原文的语域特征,恰当地表现原文赖以产生的语场、语式、语旨,使译文与原文的语域特征达成一致。通过语域理论将具体的语言变体融入具体的文化语境和情景语境中进行分析,使语言的概念意义、人际意义与语篇意义形成有机结合,进行全方位解释和理解。本文以语域理论为指导,采用定性研究方法,以英语新闻作为语料进行分析研究,从语域视角来探讨英语新闻的汉译原则、策略与方法。本文首先综述相关的语域理论、语言变体及语域理论在翻译中的应用研究;然后简述新闻的定义、功能及分类,分析英语新闻的独有语域特征;接着结合实例从语域视角探讨英语新闻的汉译原则和汉译策略,其汉译原则是忠实、易读、贴切、快捷,其汉译策略是语场对等、语旨对等、语式对等;最后在结论部分概括全文,进一步阐明研究的意义和开展深入研究的方向。本研究发现:语域理论在英语新闻汉译研究中具有一定的适用性和可操作性,语域视角的英语新闻汉译研究能为相关的翻译实践和研究提供新的视野,对英语新闻汉译的深入研究起到积极的推进作用。

  【Abstract】 With the acceleration of global integration, international communication has become more and more frequent. A great deal of information needs to be conveyed by news media. English news, as one of the most important channels for us to know the world, transmits information to people rapidly and effectively in its unique way. Chinese translation of English news plays a pivotal role in the exchanges between the West and China. Therefore the research on Chinese translation of English news is of great importance.Register theory, as one of the most important part of systemic functional linguistics, has been applied to many research areas with its special features and powerful functions, including the translation area. In translation, the target text must present the register features of the source text, including the field, the tenor and the mode features. By the application of register theory to translation, language specific variables should be analyzed in the cultural and situational contexts by combing with the ideational meaning, interpersonal meaning and textual meaning of language.With the guidance of the register theory, the thesis makes an analysis of English news using a qualitative method and discusses the principles and strategies of English news translation. The author first reviews the related studies on register theory, register variables and its application to translation, and then makes a brief survey of English news, including its definition, classifications, functions and linguistic features. After analyzing the register features of English news, the author discusses the translation principles including fidelity, legibility, suitability and promptness, and provides the strategies of equivalence in field, equivalence in tenor and equivalence in mode from register perspective. Finally, in the conclusion part, the author summarizes the main points of this research and its significance.The result illustrates: register theory is applicable in Chinese translation of English news. The register approach that applies to English news provides a new perspective to the study of translation practice of English, which will play an increasingly important role in the further research.

  【关键词】 语域; 语域变体; 英语新闻; 英语新闻汉译

  【Key words】 register; register variables; English news; Chinese translation of English news


  内容提要 4-5

  Synopsis 5-6

  Chapter One Introduction 10-12

  1.1 Objective and Significance of the Study 10-11

  1.2 Thesis Structure 11-12

  Chapter Two Literature Review of Register Theory 12-24

  2.1 Historical Review on the The




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