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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/31


论文编号:XXLW106 论文字数:9167,页数:23


 This paper firstly introduces the background Chinese stock market and the US stock market and achievements about research them. By studying several important indexes of both China and the United States and using statistical analysis, this paper try to find out the whether there is a linear correlation between the Shanghai composite index and the United States Dow Jones industrial average index. The paper collects two stock indexes data from May 4th,2009 to May 24th, 2010, then uses EVIEWS5.0 software GARCH model to analyze these data. Moreover, the paper considers also the other factors to influence the correlation between Chinese stock market and the US stock market. Examples: comparative analysis of two countries stock markets fluctuations during financial crisis, or gulf war, full consideration of the objective factors to lead to these volatility so that more accurate results to be given. Finally, through the comprehensive research and analysis of China''''s stock market we conclude that it is weak U.S. equity markets. Maybe it gives some help and guidance for the majority of the investors.
Keywords: correlation;Dow Jones Industrial Average;Shanghai composite index;Financial markets

目  录
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目录 iii
第一章  绪论 ... 1
1.1   引言 1
1.2   背景分析及相关研究 2
第二章  相关指数介绍  3
 2.1  道琼斯指数简介 3
 2.2  上证指数简介 3
第三章  中美相关性分析原理 4
 3.1   GARCH模型简介 4
 3.2   GARCH模型种类 5
第四章  特殊时段下对中美股市影响的比较分析 6
 4.1  海湾战争下对中美股市影响的比较分析 6
 4.2  金融危机下对中美股市影响的比较分析 10
第五章  中美股市实证分析 12
5.1   数据选取 12
5.2   描述性统计 14
第六章  实证结果分析 15
6.1   共性分析 15
6.2   比较分析 15
第七章  模型建立 16
第八章  结论 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20

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