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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/31


论文编号:XXLW108 论文字数:14846,页数:44

摘  要
关键词:ARMA模型  能源  国民经济

 In modern time, time series analysis is especially used to establish a relatively simple model. And it can be used to forecast economic data, interpretation and hypothesis testing. Time series model was originally forecast primarily as a support tool. Therefore, economists create a set of methods that time series can be decomposed as the trend, seasonal, cyclical, and no rules of composition. 1970, Box and Jenkins proposed time series analysis theory which base on the theory of random. So that time series analysis methods rose to a new level, and the prediction accuracy greatly improved. Stationary time series and non-stationary time series come form different data generating processes, they have different contents, properties and analysis technique. Autoregressive moving average model (ARMA model) is an important method of time series. It is a mixed form of autoregressive model (AR model) and moving average models (MA model).
 Energy is an important guarantee of national development and security. And it is the power to promote the system of economical society operation. But energy using will cause serious ecological problems in the environment. Energy is the lifeblood of the economy. And it is an important guarantee of the development of national economy and the people''''s standard of living increase. Chinese economy is in a stable period of development so that energy demand in the coming decades will be rapid growth. Dependence on world energy markets of china will continue to increase. Therefore, the paper will use the ARMA model and the calendar year 1990-2007 national energy elasticity coefficient of energy development and the relationship between national economic growth analysis and forecasting, and in 2008 electricity consumption in each province to do cluster analysis.
Key words: ARMA model  energy  national economy
目  录
摘  要 i
Abstract ii
目  录 iii
第一章    绪  论 1
1.1   研究动机与目的 1
1.2   研究的背景 1
1.2.1  我国能源以及国民经济 1
1.2.2  我国能源弹性系数 2
1.3   研究方法与系统描述 3
1.4   论文内容概述 4
第二章    能源弹性系数 5
2.1   能源弹性系数 5
2.1.1  能源消费弹性系数 5
2.1.2  能源生产弹性系数 6
2.2   电力弹性系数 6
第三章    时间序列分析 7
3.1   时间序列 7
3.1.1  平稳时间序列 8
3.1.2  非平稳时间序列 10
第四章    弹性系数的实证研究 11
4.1   国内关于弹性系数的实证研究 11
4.2   能源消费弹性系数的分析与预测 11
4.3   能源生产弹性系数的分析与预测 15
4.4   电力消费弹性系数的分析与预测 18
4.5   电力生产弹性系数的分析与预测 21
第五章   电力消费量的聚类分析 24
第六章    结 论 26
致  谢 27
参考文献 28
附录A:程序 29
附录B:数据 37

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