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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 13/10/03
ar subject are :choosing keywords ;using truncation; using Boolean operators.
 The Basic Techniques
Choosing keywords
When asked to write an essay or a undertake a study project, it is important that you take time to look at your topic, to try to understand what you’re being expected to tackle .It helps if you have already thought carefully about you information straegy,and understand the scope of your research. What are the core concepts?how might these be translated into terms which can be used as keywords?
You must try to include different keywords which might be used to describe your subject.There should include:
 Synonyms (e.g.submarine or submersible or underwater)
 Variations in word endings(e.g.singular or plural)
 Alternative form of spelling(databases produced in the USA will use American spelling and terminology ;international databases could use both).
 Once you have decied on your keywords or phrases,you can use them to search a database .Try not to be too general----entering a keyword like “CAD”in an engineering database is going to produce far too many entries ,unless you link it with another concept.On the other hand,try not to be too specific----if you put in a very specialist concept and get little or nothing,try searching for a slightly broader subject that should cover your more specialist topic.




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