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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/03/18


论文编号:HY179  论文字数:43048,页数:62  汉语教学专业硕士论文

 笔者在教师行动研究的过程中总结了比较行之有效的对学生进行汉语学习动机管理的具体操作方法,并分析了存在的问题和解决策略。笔者通过两部分问卷,对中小学汉语教师对于动机策略的重要性认识进行调研,问卷(一)将具体的四十条动机策略作为变量,考察25名教师认为最重要和相对不太重要的动机策略。其中最重要的动机策略和相对最不重要的动机策略分别是:(1) 给予学生正面积极的评价;(2) 让学生分担组织学习过程的责任。通过问卷(二)对6名中小学汉语新教师和有经验的教师对动机管理的实践情况进行对比。笔者总结出动机管理需要遵循的六项原则。这六项基本原则分别为:(1)课外资源与课内资源相结合;(2)实施动机管理不局限于课堂;(3)尊重学生为核心,要有跨文化意识;(4)动机管理具体实施纸质化,案例化;(5)不怕失败和挫折,相信学生是可以改变的;(6)针对个体差异的动机管理模式。在动机管理过程中教师必须特别注意一个问题,对于那些动机减退和缺乏的学生,教师要化显性的关注为隐性的关注,在课堂上尽可能地对所有学生保持同样水平的重视。如果不正确有效地对他们进行动机管理,这些学生会消极影响其他学生的动机。

关键词: 汉语教学; 动机管理; 中小学; 动机策略; 教师行动研究

 Since the shortage of Chinese language teachers for primary and secondary schools and the unmet needs of vocational training of this field, this study is to conduct a one-month action research according to the theories of both home and abroad about motivation, especially the motivating and demotivation ones. The author has carried out the action research of an eighth graders’ Chinese class in an International school and launched a survey of the motivating awareness and practices of Chinese teachers of primary and secondary schools.
 The author has concluded an effective motivating model .According to the preliminary conclusions, the author has made use of two questionnaires. The first one is based on 40 motivational strategies which are to observe both the most and less important ones considered by 25 teachers. The author has used the second one to interview 6 brand new and experienced teachers respectively. The summaries are the following 6 principles, which are making use of curricular and extra-curricular resources, implementing the motivating strategies both in class and off class, respecting students, cross-cultural awareness, and hardcopy of your record of motivating conduction, never being afraid of failure and frustration and being convinced that students can be changed. Last but not least, consider the individual differences as a key factor in motivating your students. The conclusion is that the motivational strategies for Chinese language teachers of primary and secondary are very essential and most teachers do not doubt about it but the actual operation has of no uniform standard, namely, there is no absolutely useful motivational strategy since all decisions should be made based on actual teaching situation and especially the students you teach. It requires constant adjustment. Teacher should pay attention to the details.
 The concern on Chinese language teaching for primary and secondary students is very limited. Both the results and methods have innovative contributions to this field. The study also complies with the trend of promoting Chinese language worldwide.

Key Words: Chinese as a Second Language Teaching; Motivating ; Primary and Secondary Schools ; Motivational Strategies; Action Research

第一章 研究背景  1
 1.1 研究缘起 1
 1.2 研究意义  2
 1.3 理论基础 4
 1.4 动机管理术语定义 13
第二章 中小学生汉语学习动机管理案例研究 16
 2.1 中学汉语教师行动研究 16
 2.2 中小学汉语教师对动机管理的认识程度和实践情况调查 27
第三章 讨论与建议 40
 3.1 中小学生汉语学习动机管理案例讨论 40
 3.2 中小学生汉语学习动机管理教学建议 41
 3.3 研究的局限性与未来研究的方向 42
参考文献 47
附录(一)中学汉语课堂教案 50
附录(二)中小学汉语教师问卷 53
附录(三)中小学汉语教师访谈 55
附录(四)教案 57
后记 60

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