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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(56页14639字) 程序 图纸 开题报告 

摘  要:本文主要针对目前市场上广泛流行的数码影像浏览系统,分析到它们的优点与不足,再结合广大用户的需求和作者自己的创新,精心开发而成的功能强大而且很实用的数码影像浏览管理软件系统。

This text mainly aims at currently on the market the extensive and popular figures image browses the system, analyze their advantage and shortages, then combine the need of contact the large customer and own innovation of author, the function strong and very practical figures image that develop but become with meticulous care browses to manage the software system.
The software that this thesis introduce is 《 the figures image browse to manage the system development and design》 .That software uses the Delphi7 conduct and actions development tool. The article rises from the need analysis of the topic, elaborating that this software carries out the method clearly.
The function of the system realization mainly includes the four-part cent:1, picture control, include to print, another save, delete and constitution is wallpaper function;2, the picture browse, including the commonness to browse, travelextensively to browse and all holding to browse etc.;3, the document filters the function, the document percolation that the system can''t identify or show;4, the document browse, let customer convenient to find out the document of demand fastly, and open it.To sum it up, this system software since synthesized the advantage of other softwares, went into own innovation of author in addition, gave it the more abundant function.
Through the development toward this software, design a the logarithms code influence to browse to manage the system technique contain certain understanding.Had to the Delphi7 the plait distance language and way of thinkingses to know more deeply.

Key words:Figures image;Travel extensively;Browse;The document filter

目   录
第1章   绪论……………………………………………………………………1
1.1  引言……………………………………………………………………1
1.2  课题研究的目的及意义………………………………………………2
    1.3  软件开发环境及主要工作内容………………………………………2
第2章 需求分析与开发工具………………………………………………4
2.1 需求分析………………………………………………………………4
2.1.1  软件功能分析…………………………………………………4
2.1.2  软件特点分析…………………………………………………5
2.2 开发工具介绍…………………………………………………………6
2.2.1  开发工具的选择………………………………………………6
2.2.2  Delphi7简介…………………………………………………7
2.2.3  Delphi7需要的硬件环境……………………………………8
2.2.4  Delphi7程序设计步骤………………………………………9
2.2.5  主要相关组件的介绍…………………………………………9
2.2.6  常用的过程与函数的介绍…………………………………12
2.2.7  GraphicEx的安装…………………………………………17
    2.3  本章小结……………………………………………………………18
第3章 系统总体设计……………………………………………………19
3.1   系统功能分析………………………………………………………19
3.1.1  系统功能分析的意义………………………………………19
3.1.2 系统功能的模块分化………………………………………20
    3.2  系统功能设计………………………………………………………20
        3.2.1  控制工具模块设计…………………………………………20
        3.2.2  浏览窗口模块设计…………………………………………23
        3.2.3  文件过滤模块设计…………………………………………24
        3.2.4  文件浏览模块设计…………………………………………24
    3.3  本章小结……………………………………………………………24
第4章 系统的设计与实现………………………………………………26
4.1  ActionList的设计…………………………………………………26
4.2  主菜单和右键菜单的实现…………………………………………27
    4.2.1  主菜单的设计与实现………………………………………27
    4.2.2  右键菜单的设计与实现……………………………………34
    4.2.3  菜单设计的方法与技巧……………………………………36
4.3  工具栏的实现………………………………………………………37
    4.3.1  辅助工作……………………………………………………37
    4.3.2  工具条的设计………………………………………………38
4.4  界面的总体分区及图像显示区设计………………………………39
    4.4.1  界面的总体分区设计………………………………………39
    4.4.2  图像显示区设计……………………………………………40
4.5  BrowserView 的设计与实现………………………………………40
        4.5.1  驱动器的实现………………………………………………41
        4.5.2  目录切换功能的实现………………………………………41
        4.5.3  文件过滤显示功能的实现…………………………………43
    4.6  界面的其他内容设计………………………………………………43
    4.7  本章小结……………………………………………………………45
第5章 系统分析与测试…………………………………………………46
5.1   系统调试的技巧及过程……………………………………………46
5.2   系统测试的结果……………………………………………………48

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