资料包括: 论文(30页11914字) 源码 图纸
【关键词】 远程教学,J2EE,申请课程,在线学习,上传课件,在线答疑
The remote education took one brand-new knowledge dissemination way is receiving more and more values. The remote education system design is concerned with the current computer multitudinous newest technology. The thesis discussed based on the J2EE remote education system design thought and the backstage operating process as well as some essential technical realization methods .This thesis has discussed the design idea based on long-range tutoring system of J2EE, backstage supporter''s procedure and some key technology implementation methods. This system divides users into three kinds: system manager, teacher, and student. The teacher uses this system to apply for course, upload the courseware (It can be .doc, various forms such as .ppt, .jpg), assigning the homework, correcting homework, answering questions, online discussion on the net etc. Student can register, enter system this, function is as follows, look over courseware, downloading the courseware, on-line study, finishing the homework, raising questions, etc. The administrator manages and maintains the system. Including courseware maintain, teacher management, exercise management of exam pool, etc. of student. Otherwise, upload and download need use to courseware JspSmartUpload package make.
【Key Words】remote education,J2EE, apply for course, on-line study ,upload courseware, On-line Q/A
目录:1 引言1
1.1 J2EE的概念1
1.2 J2EE结构1
1.3 J2EE的服务2
1.4 J2EE容器类型3
1.5 J2EE的核心APE与组件4
2 平台与技术6
2.1 ECLIPSE概述6
2.2 ECLIPSE优点7
2.3 ECLIPSE平台体系结构8
2.4 技术支持8
2.4.1 JspSmartUpload组件简介8
2.4.2 JspSmartUpload相关类说明9
3 系统概述9
4 数据库的设计11
5 系统主要功能与实现14
5.1 教师功能模块14
5.1.1 教师申请课程模块14
5.1.2 教师布置作业17
5.1.3 教师上传课件模块18
5.2 学生功能页面19
5.2.1 学生
5.2.2 在线学习21
5.3 管理员功能模块22
5.3.2 学生的添加22
5.3.3 学生信息的修改22
6 关键技术24
6.1 教师布置作业24
6.2 申请课程25
7 结束语27
参考文献: 魏茂军, 张文建.《JSP案例开发》. 中国水利水电出版社, 2004.5
杨昭主. 《JSP课程设计案例精纺》. 中国水利水电出版社, 2005.1
王夕, 宁小平. 《JSP通用模块及典型系统开发实例导航》. 人民邮电出版社, 2005.9.1
邓子云. 《JSP网络编程 从基础到实现》. 电子工业出版社, 2005.9
李长林. 《JSP组建动态网站 基础与实例操作》. 电子工业出版社 , 2005.12
冯燕奎 ,赵德奎.《JSP应用案例教程》. 清华大学出版社, 2004.5
DaiMeie, Yang Chuan, Fu Liang. A remote education system based on Java and Web Beijing, China, 2000
Arthur Shapiro, Jim Hack, Philip Freedenberg. The planning, design, and implement of a state wide distance leaning system [J ]. Educational Technology, July 2002.
下载课件、课件导航、在线学习、完成作业、提出疑问、课件维护、教师学生的管理、练习题库的管理等。但是, 系统还存在一些
问题, 并没有很好的体现交互性。但是总的来说, 该系统顺应了技术发展的趋势, 体现了远程教学的基本特点, 是传统教学方式的一个有益补充。在设计这个系统中我学到很多J2EE、JavaScript等知识。因为我以前没用过JSP进行设计,学习起来相对要慢些,花的时间要稍微多一点。但是当系统真正出炉时,真的好高兴。最后还要感谢王正友老师和小组成员对我的帮助。