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【网学提醒】:本文主要为网上学习者提供复杂部分性癫痫持续状态临床分析 ,希望对需要复杂部分性癫痫持续状态临床分析 网友有所帮助,学习一下吧!

资料包括: 论文(3页2277字) 
【摘要】 目的 探讨复杂部分性癫痫持续状态(complex partial status epilepticus, CPSE)的临床特征。方法 回顾性分析5例CPSE患者的临床表现、脑电图及抗癫痫治疗等资料并复习相关文献。结果 5例患者,均表现为反复发作性不同程度的意识障碍、精神及行为异常,发作持续时间为数小时至数日。发作期脑电图主要表现为基本电活动变慢,颞叶痫性放电。经抗癫痫药物治疗,全部控制发作。结论 意识障碍及精神行为异常是CPSE的特征性临床表现,脑电图异常及抗癫痫药物治疗有效有助于CPSE的确诊。
【关键词】 复杂部分性癫痫持续状态,脑电图

Clinical analysis of complex partial status epilepticus
【Abstract】 Objective The purpose of this article is to describe the clinical and electroencephalographic(EEG) features of complex partial status epilepticus(CPSE).Methods The clinical and EEG manifestations and the treatment with antiepilepic drugs in 5 patients suffering from CPSE were analyzed. Results Each patient had a prolonged disorders of consciousness, accompanied by psychological and behavioral changes. The characteristic of ictal EEG in CPSE patients included slow activity and paroxysmal epileptiform activity in the temporal region. All patients were well controlled with antiepilepic drugs. Conclusion The clinical characteristic features of CPSE include disturbances of consciousness, behavioral disturbances and psychiatric conditions. EEG and treatment with antiepilepic drugs are helpful to diagnosis CPSE.
【Key words】 complex partial status epilepticus;EEG
  1 临床资料

  2 讨论

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  2 沈鼎烈. 临床癫痫学. 第二版. 上海:上海科学技术出版社,1995, 283-295.
  3 王艺,张剑英,孙道开.复杂部分性癫痫持续状态的临床及脑电图特征.中国当代儿科杂志,2000,2(1):8-11.
  4 Fernandez-Torre JL,Diaz-Castroverde AG.Non-convulsive status epilepticus in elderly individual:report of four representative cases. Age-Ageing,2004,33(1):78-81.
  5 汪昕, 范薇, 管莉华,等. 复杂部分性癫痫的SPECT、EEG和MRI的对比研究.中国神经精神疾病杂志,2000,26(6):356-357.
  6 Szabo K, Poepel A, Pohlmann-Eden B, et al. Diffusion-weighted and perfusion MRI demonstrates parenchymal changes in complex partial status epilepticus. Brain, 2005, 128(Pt6):1369-1376.

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