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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/17


论文编号:HL225 论文字数:12647,页数:25

摘 要
 结论: 通过对老年糖尿病人营养摄入情况的调查,为老年糖尿病患者的营养摄入提供帮助,提示在饮食指导中应为病人制订个体化的饮食处方并教会病人正确选择食物;在饮食指导中应帮助病人建立良好的饮食习惯,减少盐、脂肪的摄入;及时发现影响病人饮食行为的心理社会问题,帮助病人制订解决问题的方法及行为改变的目标,取得家人的支持,使病人养成良好的饮食行为。
Title: Research to improve nursing intervention elderly people with diabetes nutritional intake effect
 Survey of the elder diabetes patients in dietary intake, and analyzes the factors related, and eating behavior were the most relevant factors in order to strengthen the guidance and diet provides the basis and effectiveness. For educators on patients to take effective measures to promote the guidance of patient good eating behavior and healthy eating habits form provides the basis. Let patients gradually realize oneself to the development of diabetes can have certain control, can consciously improve diet.
 During August to November, 2009 in our hospital outpatient clinic of all conform to standards and ruled out the standard in 205 patients. Through the demographic information form and dietary intake of of all kinds of food scale, recommended intake, eating behavior related to the psychological variables, all kinds of nutrients in the determination method for people with diabetes diet, etc are discussed.
 1.Outpatients with diabetes shows apoor control of the total calories intake, point out that the educator must formulation of individual patient prescription and diet to choose the right food teaches diet guide.
 2.Outpatients diabetes shows widespread unhealthy eating habits.In the diet should be established to help patients in the guidance of dietary habits,reducing salt and fat intake.
 3.Because of on-the-job,dine out,busy lifestyle,depressed and social psychological factors,the patient often influence diet behaviors,patient excessive intake or intake imbalance.In dietary guide is the key that affect patients psychological and social problem eating behavior,helping patients formulate methods to solve the problems and the behavior change target the support of your family,make patient develop good eating behavior.
 5.Outpatients witll type 2 diabetes widespread serum chromium,selenium and vitamin E,vitamin C,vitamin B6,lack of the situation,The course,and without blood glucose control satisfaction,complications.Education should be informed in food grains,rich in patients with appropriate intake of tmco elements,avoid Fried food,cooking methods to reduce the loss of micronutrients.

Key words:diabetes; diet ;nutriente
目  录
1 绪论 1
1.1 背景及意义 1
2 研究设计 4
2.1研究设计 5
2.2研究对象 5
2.3研究工具 5
2.4研究步骤 5
2.5统计分析 6
3 研究结果 7
3.1人口学情况 7
3.2日总热量控制情况 7
3.3糖尿病患者各类食物每日人均摄入量情况 7
3.4糖尿病患者各类食物每日人均摄入量情况 8
3.5血清营养素含量与相关因素分析 9
4 讨论 10
4.1 糖尿病病人日总量摄入不理想 10
4.2 影响糖尿病病人饮食行为相关因素分析 10
4.3 糖尿病人膳食结构不合理 11
5 推论及建议 12
5.1 结论 12
5.3 本研究局限性及展望 12
致    谢 13
参考文献 14

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