摘 要:从东兴农机有限公司的实际情况出发,分析企业的管理现状及其存在问题,特别是企业信息化的现状和问题,指出实施企业资源计划(ERP)是企业适应自身发展和市场竞争,整合公司的资源,加强公司信息化建设的需要。根据东兴农机公司的实际情况,对企业主要业务流程进行需求分析,分析对其进行规范化设计的必要性。在对东兴农机公司主要业务流程规范化设计基础上,对ERP系统进行总体规划及网络结构分析。东兴农机公司ERP系统的实施,主要是分析其实施的有利条件、前期准备和具体步骤,给企业ERP系统实施提供好的参考方案。
The ERP System′s Requirements Analysis and Planning in Dongxing Co. Ltd.
Abstract: With the marketing economy development and IT progress, the competitions between corporations became more and more seriously. It is more important for the company to use advanced management idea and technology to strength their IT management and improve their competitive abilities.First, this paper analyses the situation and business cycle of DongXing farm implements Co. Ltd to find out the existing management problems, especially MIS. It is the requirement of self-development, marketing competition and conformity resources of the company to implement ERR. At the same time, suitable method is selected for ERP planning. The second part analyses the company''s main business cycle according to the situation and draw the conclusion of necessities of business procedures design. Then the main business procedures are designed in this part. The last part analyses the DongXing farm implements Company''s ERP collective planning, function and structure of network on the basis of the second part. By analyzing business model of the company, we point out that it is the best way for the company to improve its management level, resources conformity and information system construction by implementing ERP whose core is the management of supply chain.
Key words:ERP; requirements analysis;planning;implementing
我国自从 1981年沈阳 第 一机床厂 从 德国工程 师 协会引进了 第一套MRPII软件以来,MRPII/ERP在中国的应用与推广已经历了从起步、探索到成熟20多年的风雨历程。据不完全统计,我国目前己约有1000多家企业购买或使用了这种先进的管理软件。但从行业使用的角度来看,我国机械制造行业ERP系统的应用还是最广泛的,当然也是应用比较成功的。