【关键字】 核心技术 低端市场 市场占有率 3G
【Abstract】From 1998 China''s formal entry into the mobile phone production began to date, from 2003 won half of the peak by 2004 the continuous decline, and now entrenched around 30 percent market share, And just a few years, making China has become the world''s largest mobile phone users States. In walked this road in the process of the Chinese mobile phone encounter setbacks, they are also aware of the opportunities. This paper mainly through domestic and international brands in the mobile phone handset competition, the Chinese mobile phone to find the advantage at the same time found that the challenges it faces and the opportunities will come.
【Keyword】 Core technology market low-end market share 3G
1996年国产第一部GSM手机面世,起步比洋品牌晚了整整十年,而从国产品牌市场占有率的发展状况来看,1997年几乎而零,1998年开始正式起步,1999年13万部,占当年全国产量的5%;2000年440万部,占6.4%;2001年1048万部,占12.3%;2002年有了突破性激战,进1到10月产量就达到1497万部,销售1445万部,其中出口33万部,产量占全国总量的 19.8%,而在国内市场的占有率已经达到了33%,比去年同期提高了11个百分点;2003年国产手机凭借本土化的渠道优势,创新营销模式,更是实现了销量在国内市场56%的占有率;但是好景不长,2004年由于上游零配件供货链出现问题导致国产手机质量大幅度下降,返修率平均高达6%(洋品牌为3%),市场占有率不足30%;从2006年开始,诺基亚、摩托罗拉、三星、索尼、爱立信等知名国际品牌加速进入了中低端市场,矛头直指国产手机的后院,公开掠夺国产手机的市场分额;而2007年随着3G市场的启动,国产手机有望新的历史性突破。